Monday, 14 August 2017

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Escreve-me em PM, começamos. 8 de 10 na base de 41582 ReviewJournal da pesquisa de plantas medicinais - 5 (3), 2011 Lu-E Shi, Zhi-Liang Zhang, Liang-Ying Xing, Dan-Dan Yang, Yu-Peng Guo, Xiao-Feng Guo, O uso e a ecologia de plantas medicinais nas terras secas degradadas de Tigray, Etiópia do norte Abdollah Ghasemi Pirbalouti, Abnoos Karimi, Etiópia e Zhen-Xing Tang Extração de antioxidantes por CO2 supercrítico Birkhane, Ermias Aynekulu, Wolde Mekuria e Degitu Endale, Mehdi Yousefi, Shekofeh Enteshari e Ahmad Reza Golparvar Diversidade de Thymus daenensis Celak no Centro e Oeste do Irã Li Xiang, Ma Jianzhong, Xia Jing e Shi Yundong Surfactante ajudou a extração de etanol de dioscina Esra Maltas, Hasibe Cingilli Vural e Salih Yildiz Extração de DNA genômico De Ginkgo biloba, rico em polissacarídeos e fenólicos, Ilesanmi Funmilayo Florence e T. l. Uma fitoquímica comparativa preliminar de metabolitos de mudas de laranja (Citrus sinensis) e goiaba (Psidium guajava) e suas plantas hospedeiras Riazur Rehman, M. Akram, Naveed Akhtar, Qaiser Jabeen, Tariq saeed, SM Ali Shah, Khalil Ahmed, Ghazala Shaheen e HM Asif Zingiber officinale Roscoe (atividade farmacológica) Sammia Yasmin, Muhammad Akram Kashmiri e Kalsoom Anwar Rastreio de partes aéreas de Abutilon bidentatum para atividade hepatoprotetora em coelhos Mohammed Safwan Ali Khan, Syed Ahmed Hussain, Abdul Manan Mat Jais, Zainul Amiruddin Zakaria e Mohib Khan Atividade anti-úlcera do extrato etanólico de casca de caule de Ficus religiosa em ratos Edziri H. Mastouri M. Mahjoub MA Ammar S. Mighri Z. Gutmann L. e Aouni M. Atividade antiviral de extratos de folhas de Marrubium alysson L. DongFang Zhang, Kun Li e MeiHuan Zhou Extrato de ervas Epimedium que intervém no eixo hipotalâmico-hipófise-testicular de ratos machos em puberdade retardada causada pela obesidade induzida pela dieta Tan Sheng Ping, Boey Peng Lim e Chan Lai Keng Detecção de compostos bioativos de Spilanthes acmella (L. ) E os seus vários produtos de cultura in vitro Salam Zein, Sanaa Awada, Samar Rachidi, Amal Hajj, Elena Krivoruschko e Hussein Kanaan Análise química de óleo essencial de libanês selvagem e cultivado Origanum syriacum l. (Lamiaceae) antes e depois da floração O tratamento a longo prazo com extrato de fruta de Kigelia africana melhora a toxicidade testicular após administração de cisplatina em ratos machos Sprague-Dawley M. Eshrat Halim e Anoop Misra Os efeitos do extrato aquoso de cerdas de Pterocarpus santalinus e suplementação de vitamina E em ratos diabéticos induzidos por estreptozotocina, Zhou Zhi-Xun, Qu Yang, Dou De-Qiang, Liu Feng-Yun, Huo Yu-Shu e Jiao Fu-Bai O perfil ginsenósido do ginseng cultivado sob a floresta montanhosa Bei-Bei Xiang, Ye-Rong Zhu, Wen-Juan Wang, Yan-Ling Bai e Yong Wang Filtração de linha celular de Catharanthus roseus para produção de alto rendimento de ajmalicine Gao-Qiang Liu, Guo-Pu Ren, Xiao-Ling Wang e Yan Zhao Otimização estatística dos principais componentes do meio pela metodologia da superfície de resposta para promover a formação do ácido ganodérico pelo cogumelo medicinal Ganoderma sinense na cultura submersa Balkrishna Ghimire, Kumar Ghimire e Kweon Heo Microsporogênese em Rauvolfia (Apocynaceae): uma evidência para a citoquinesia dupla em células-mãe de microsporos Munisamy Anbarashan, Narayanaswamy Parthasarthy e Anbarashan Padmavathy Levantamento etno-florístico em bosques sagrados, distrito de Pudukottai, Tamil Nadu - Índia Mohammad Khiyami, Noura AL - Faris, Basileia Busaeed e Hassan Sher Contaminação por patógenos transmitidos por alimentos em saladas de vegetais minimamente processadas em Riade, na Arábia Saudita Christine L. Chichioco-Hernandez e Finella Marie G. Leonido Efeitos de diminuição de peso de Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Cassia fístula e Senna alata FM Kandemir , F. Benzer, NC Yildirim e N. Ozdemir Efeitos compensatórios da curcumina sobre a toxicidade induzida por cisplatina em testículos de coelho Micropropagação de uma árvore medicinal polivalente Acacia auriculiformis M. Ibrahim Khan, Khan Usmanghani, M. Akram, Naveed Akhtar, Qaiser Jabeen, Irshad Ahmed , Pervaiz Akhtar Shah, HM Asif, Khalil Ahmed e SM Ali Shah A avaliação clínica do remédio anti-redonda à base de ervas: Kemol Ghassem Habibi Bibalani, Leila Joudi e Hamideh Shadkami Biomassa radicular de Euphorbia seguieriana em pastagens de Shanjan, Azerbaijão Oriental, Uma revisão das evidências experimentais, clínicas e epidemiológicas e mecanismos subjacentes Li He, Zhou Guo-ying, Zhang Huai-yun e Liu Jun - Investigação sobre a função de saúde do óleo de chá Efeito de Peristrophe bicalyculata no perfil lipídico de ratos wistar hiperlipidêmicos induzidos por P-407 Jila Asghari, Bernd Ondruschka e Mohsen Mazaheritehrani Extração de compostos químicos bioativos das plantas medicinais asiáticas por irradiação com microondas Mashitha Pise, Jayshree Rudra, Sunita Bundale, Deovrat Begde, Nandita Nashikkar e Avinash Upadhyay Produção de Shatavarin a partir de culturas in vitro de Asparagus racemosus Kamal A. Ketuly, Mahmood A. Abdulla, Hamid A. Hadi, Abdalbasit A. Mariod e Siddig Ibrahim Abdel-Wahab Anti - alcera do análogo 9alfa-bromo do dipropionato de Beclometasona contra a lesão da mucosa gástrica induzida pelo etanol em ratos Zhong Ming, Li Gui-Yin, Zeng Jian-Guo, Zhang Li, Huang Ke-Long, Jin-Ming, Li Xiao e Wei Wang-Yuan Avaliação de atividades moluscicidas de alcalóides de benzocfenantridina de Macleaya cordata (Willd) R. Br. on snail hosts of Schistosoma japonicum Abdulghani Ameri, Chanchala Ghadge, Jitendra G. Vaidya and Subhash S. Deokule Anti-Staphylococcus aureus activity of Pisolithus albus from Pune, India N. J. Merlin and V. Parthasarathy Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of chloroform and ethanol extracts of Gmelina asiatica aerial parts Ihsan Edan Alsaimary and Thuraya J. Mezaal Efficiency of some disinfectants and extracts of medicinal plants on bacterial pathogens isolated from post-operative wounds Qasima Agha, Sarfraz Ahmad, Muhammad Islam, Aslam Gill and Mohammad Athar Growth and production potential of three exotic herbs in highlands of Balochistan, Pakistan He Fan, Dou De-Qiang, Sun Yu and Kang Ting-Guo Determination of Arctiin in rat plasma by HPLC method and its application to pharmacokinetic studies Moeng E. T. and Potgieter M. J. The trade of medicinal plants by muthi shops and street vendors in the Limpopo province, South Africa Aneta Sabovljevi, Marina Sokovi, Jasmina Glamolija, Ana iri, Milorad Vujii, Boris Pejin and Marko Sabovljevi Bio-activities of extracts from some axenically farmed and naturally grown bryophytes Xiaolei Li, Dan Li, Iurii Shmidt, Vladimir V. Grishchenko and Tatiana K. Kalenik Antioxidative properties of hydrated ethanol extracts from tartary buckwheat grains as affected by the changes of rutin and quercetin during preparations Nagwa M. M. Shalaby, Howaida I. Abd-Alla, Hanaa H. Ahmed and Nour Basoudan Protective effect of Citrus sinensis and Citrus aurantifolia against osteoporosis and their phytochemical constituents Dina Atmani, M. Begona Ruiz-Larrea, Jos Ignacio Ruiz-Sanz, Leandro J. Lizcano, Fadil Bakkali and Djebbar Atmani Antioxidant potential, cytotoxic activity and phenolic content of Clematis flammula leaf extracts Hamayun Shaheen and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi Vegetation types of Sheosar lake and surrounding landscape in Deosai plains of North Pakistan, Western Himalayas M. K. Ratheesh Narayanan, S. Mithunlal, P. Sujanapal, N. Anil Kumar, M. Sivadasan, Ahmed H. Alfarhan and A. A. Alatar Ethnobotanically important trees and their uses by Kattunaikka tribe in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India Tieshan Wang, Zhaoyu Wang, Lijing Chen, Shengtan Zhang and Jingming Lin Isolation and characterization of (6S,9R) 6-hydroxy-4,4,7a-trimethyl-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-1-benzofuran-2(4H)-one from Scutellaria barbata Rasul Jalili Marandi, Abbas Hassani, Youbert Ghosta, Ali Abdollahi, Alireza Pirzad and Fatemeh Sefidkon Control of Penicillium expansum and Botrytis cinerea on pear with Thymus kotschyanus, Ocimum basilicum and Rosmarinus officinalis essential oils Xiang-Min Tong, Junyu Zhang, Yuedi-Shen Jun-Jun Xie and Jie Jin Sinomenine enhanced aclarubicin-induced apoptosis by blocking NF-B pathway in HL - 60 cells A. A. Agboke and C. O. Esimone Antimicrobial evaluation of the interaction between methanol extract of the lichen, Ramalina farinacea (Ramalinacea) and Ampicilin against clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus Subha Ganguly and Arun Prasad Role of plant extracts and cow urine distillate as immunomodulators: A review Journal of Medicinal Plants Research - 5 (5), 2011 Julius T. Mwine and Patrick Van Damme Why do Eupyhorbiaceae tick as medicinal plants A review of Euphorbiaceae family and its medicinal features Mei-Liang Zhou, Hong-Li Hou, Xue-Mei Zhu, Ji-Rong Shao, Yan-Min Wu and Yi-Xiong Tang Molecular regulation of terpenoid indole alkaloids pathway in the medicinal plant, Catharanthus roseus L. Warjeet Singh Traditional medicinal plants of Manipur as anti-diabetics Mukesh Sharma, Vimal Mohan, Maneesha Abraham, P. J. Joshy and Drishya K. Reghuvaran Antimicrobial screening of different extracts of South Indian medicinal plants of meliaceae Navid Rahmani, Jahanfar Daneshian, Hossein Aliabadi Farahani and Tofigh Taherkhani Evaluation of nitrogenous fertilizer influence on oil variations of Calendula (Calendula officinalis L.) under drought stress conditions Emmanuel E. Essien, Sherifat O. Aboaba and Isiaka A. Ogunwande Constituents and antimicrobial properties of the leaf essential oil of Gossypium barbadense (Linn.) Seif Sahandi M. Sorooshzadeh A. Rezazadeh H. S. and Naghdibadi H. A. Effect of nano silver and silver nitrate on seed yield of borage Selima Khatun, Ugur akilcioglu and Narayan Chandra Chatterjee Phytochemical constituents vis-a-vis histochemical localization of forskolin in a medicinal plant Coleus forskohlii Briq. Sarawoot Palipoch, Wannee Jiraungkoorskul, Tawewan Tansatit, Narin Preyavichyapugdee, Wipaphorn Jaikua and Piya Kosai Protective efficiency of Thunbergia laurifolia leaf extract against lead (II) nitrate-induced toxicity in Oreochromis niloticus Harmanjit Kaur, Manju Anand and Dinesh Goyal Extraction of tylophorine from in vitro raised plants of Tylophora indica Chunling Zhou, Guanghui Gao, Xiaomian Zhou, Yu dong, Xiaohui Chen and Kaishun Bi Simultaneous determination of five active components in traditional Chinese medicine Apocynum venetum L. by RP-HPLC8211DAD Virgilijus Zitkevicius, Alina Smalinskiene, Nijole Savickiene, Arunas Savickas, Stanislovas Ryselis, Ilona Sadauskiene, Leonid Ivanov and Vaiva Lesauskaite Assessment of the effect of Echinacea purpurea extract on the accumulation of cadmium in liver and kidney: Apoptotic - mitotic activity of liver cells Muhammad Asif Hanif, Masoud Yahya Al-Maskari, Awatif Al-Maskari, Ahmed Al-Shukaili, Ahmed Yahya Al-Maskari and Jamal Nasser Al-Sabahi Essential oil composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of unexplored Omani basil Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular fingerprinting markers for authenticating the genuine species of rhubarb Shabir Ahmad, Mohammad Arfan, Abdul Latif Khan, Riaz Ullah, Javid Hussain, Zia Muhammad, Rasool Khan, Naeem Khan and Kazuo N. Watanabe Allelopathy of Teucrium Royleanum Wall. Ex Benth. from Pakistan L. Lagnika, E. Anago and A. Sanni Screening for antibacterial, antioxidant activity and toxicity of some medicinal plants used in Benin folkloric medicine Ju-Sung Kim, Jinfeng Yang and Myong-Jo Kim Alpha glucosidase inhibitory effect, anti-microbial activity and UPLC analysis of Rhus verniciflua under various extract conditions Yonggang Li, Shuying Han, Hou Zhao, Yali Liu, Jinbo Fang and Guiyun Wang Evaluation of immunologic enhancement mediated by a polysaccharide isolated from the fruit of Physalis alkekengi L. var. francheti (Mast.) Makino Evaluation of antioxidant activity of polysaccharides isolated from Camellia sinensis (tea) in exhausting training mice Shu-Dong Wei, Rui-Yan Chen, Meng-Meng Liao, Nian-Wan Tu, Hai-Chao Zhou and Yi-Ming Lin Antioxidant condensed tannins from Machilus pauhoi leaves Liang Renjie, Zhu Ziping and Bai Yi Isolation, chemical composition and antioxidant activities of a water-soluble polysaccharide from rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae Vilma Armoskaite, Kristina Ramanauskiene, Audrius Maruska, Almantas Razukas, Audrone Dagilyte, Algirdas Baranauskas and Vitalis Briedis The analysis of quality and antioxidant activity of green tea extracts Saurabh K. Banerjee and C. G. Bonde Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of extracts of Bridelia Retusa Spreng Bark: Impact of dielectric constant and geographical location Hikmat Ullah Jan, Malik Ashiq Rabbani and Zabta Khan Shinwari Assessment of genetic diversity of indigenous turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) germplasm from Pakistan using RAPD markers W. Y. Tong, I. Darah and Z. Latiffah Antimicrobial activities of endophytic fungal isolates from medicinal herb Orthosiphon stamineus Benth Yuan Yuan, Guo-jun Huang, Tian-shan Wang and Guang-ying Chen In vitro screening of five Hainan plants of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) against human cancer cell lines with MTT assay Behnoush Hajian, Khosro Piri, Sonbol Nazeri and Hamideh Ofoghi Agrobacterium-mediated transfer of - Glucoronidase gene (gusA) to Water mint (Mentha aquatica L.) Ozlem Terzi, Aziz iman, Sevgi Canbaz and Yasemin iman An evaluation of spatial distribution of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever with geographical information systems (GIS), in Samsun and Amasya region Ma Jiangwei, Qiao Zengyong and Xiang Xia Aqueous extract of Astragalus mongholicus ameliorates high cholesterol diet induced oxidative injury in experimental rats models Neli Lokho Pfoze, Yogendra Kumar, Berington Myrboh, Ranjan Kumar Bhagobaty and Santa Ram Joshi In vitro antibacterial activity of alkaloid extract from stem bark of Mahonia manipurensis Takeda Journal of Medicinal Plants Research - 5 (6), 2011 L. S. Kasim, V. A. Ferro, O. A. Odukoya, G. E. Ukpo, Veronique Seidel, A. I. Gray and Roger Waigh Evaluation of cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of Struchium sparganophora (Linn.) Ktze Asteraceae Jurga Bernatoniene, Ruta Masteikova, Julija Davalgiene, Rimantas Peciura, Romualda Gauryliene, Ruta Bernatoniene, Daiva Majiene, Robertas Lazauskas, Genuvaite Civinskiene, Saule Velziene, Jan Muselik and Zuzana Chalupova Topical application of Calendula officinalis (L.): Formulation and evaluation of hydrophilic cream with antioxidant activity Himratul-Aznita W. H. Mohd-Al-Faisal N. and Fathilah A. R. Determination of the percentage inhibition of diameter growth (PIDG) of Piper betle crude aqueous extract against oral Candida species Shen Shi, Zesheng Zhang, Zhengyan Zhu and Min Zhang Protective effect of apple polyphenols on hepatocytes injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in vitro Yan Wang, Yanchun Hu, Jianhua Wang, Zibin Liu, Guodong Yang and Guoxia Geng Ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of swainsonine from Oxytropis ochrocephala Bunge K. S. Nagesh and C. Shanthamma Micropropagation and antioxidant activity of Mollugo nudicaulis Lam. Young Ju Bae, Phuong Thien Thuong, Nacksung Kim, Won Keun Oh, Jin Hee Kim and Junwon Lee Inhibitory effect of ursane-type triterpenoids from Weigela subsessilis on RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation M. Jovanevi, J. Balijagi, N. Menkovi, K. avikin, G. Zduni, T. Jankovi and M. Deki-Ivankovi Analysis of phenolic compounds in wild populations of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) from Montenegro Majid Taati, Masoud Alirezaei, Mohamad Hadi Moshkatalsadat, Bahram Rasoulian, Mehrnoush Moghadasi, Farzam Sheikhzadeh and Ali sokhtezari Protective effects of Ziziphus jujuba fruit extract against ethanol-induced hippocampal oxidative stress and spatial memory impairment in rats Emad A. Shalaby, N. F. Nasr and Samia M. El Sherief An in vitro study of the antimicrobial and antioxidant efficacy of some nature essential oils Dariush Ashoori Latmahalleh, Seyyed Ali Noorhosseini Niyaki and Mohammad Naghi Safarzadeh Vishekaei Effects of plant density and planting pattern on yield and yield components of Iranian ox-tongue (Echium amoenum Fisch and Mey) in North of Iran Comparison of methods for isolating high quality DNA from sage (Salvia officinalis) Rosa Martha Perez Gutierrez, Efrn Garcia Baez, Ma. del Socorro Lpez Cortez and Sofa Arellano Crdenas Extracts of bixa inhibit glycation and AGEs formation in vitro Zahid Ullah, Mir Ajab Khan, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muhammad Zafar and Kifayat Ullah Systematic implications of foliar epidermis in andropogoneae (poaceae) from Hindukush-himalayas Pakistan Swee Keong Yeap, Noorjahan Banu Mohamed Alitheen, Wan Yong Ho, Abdul Rahman Omar, Abdul Manaf Ali, Boon Kee Beh and Abdul Hadi Noaman Yousr Immunomodulatory role of Rhaphidophora korthalsii methanol extract on human peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation, cytokine secretion and cytolytic activity Aoxue Luo, Yijun Fan and Aoshuang Luo In vitro free radicals scavenging activities of polysaccharide from Polygonum Multiflorum Thunb Shixing Chen, Ming-Zhong Sun, Bo Wang, Lihong Hao, Cuili Zhang and Yi Xin Wound healing effects of cactus extracts on second degree superficial burned mice Ruitao Yu, Zhong Liu, Ruixue Yu, Huaigang Zhang, Yun Shao, Lijuan Mei and Yanduo Tao A simple method for isolation and structural identification of arctigenin from Saussurea medusa Maxim. by preparation chromatography and single crystal X-ray diffraction Hemendra S. Chouhan, Alekh N. Sahu and Sushil K. Singh Fatty acid composition, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities of seed oil from Crotalaria juncea Linn. K. M. Saradha Devi, S. Annapoorani and K. Ashokkumar Hepatic antioxidative potential of ethyl acetate fraction of Cynodon dactylon in Balb/c mice Fatma Mungan, Kemal Yildiz, Ersin Minareci and Murat Kili A palynological study of the genus Smyrnium (Umbelliferae) from Turkey Xueling Zheng, Benguo Liu, Limin Li and Xiaoai Zhu Microwave-assisted extraction and antioxidant activity of total phenolic compounds from pomegranate peel Hassan Ahmadvand, Ali Khosrowbeygi and Maryam Ghasemi Inhibitory effect of Allium ascalonicom hydroalcoholic extract on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation induced by CuSO4 in vitro N. Saewan, S. Koysomboon and K. Chantrapromma Anti-tyrosinase and anti-cancer activities of flavonoids from Blumea balsamifera DC Ghassem Habibi Bibalani, Leila Joudi and Hamideh Shadkami-Til Average stem biomass of Astragalus obnormalis in Shanjan rangelands, East Azerbaijan, Iran O. M. Ameen, L. A. Usman, I. A. Oladosu, N. O. Olawore and I. A. Ogunwande Bioactivity of rhizome essential oils from two varieties of Cyperus articulatus (L.) grown in Nigeria, using brine shrimp (Artemia salina) lethality tests Rashmi and Akito Nagatsu New flavonoids from seed skin of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Journal of Medicinal Plants Research - 5 (7), 2011 Mayapple: A review of the literature from a horticultural perspective Xiaohong Liu, Jun Li, Yongsi Zhang, Linhui Li and Daowen He Biological research advancement in Aloe Ifeoma I. Ijeh and Chukwunonso E. C. C. Ejike Current perspectives on the medicinal potentials of Vernonia amygdalina Del. Ui Joung Youn, Ji-Eun Jang, Joo-Won Nam, Yoo Jin Lee, Young Min Son, Hyun Ji Shin, Ah-Reum Han, Jun Chang and Eun-Kyoung Seo Anti-respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity of timosaponin A-III from the rhizomes of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Yi-Qing Li, Hye-Jin Park, Eun-Su Han and Dong-Ki Park Inhibitory effect on B16/F10 mouse melanoma cell and HT-29 human colon cancer cell proliferation and cordycepin content of the butanol extract of Paecilomyces militaris Waheed Murad, Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Abdullah Gilani and Mir Ajab Khan Indigenous knowledge and folk use of medicinal plants by the tribal communities of Hazar Nao Forest, Malakand District, North Pakistan Tanawan Kummalue, Penporn Sujiwattanarat and Weena Jiratchariyaku Apoptotic inducibility of Sapindus rarax water extract on A549 human lung cancer cell line Kantha D. Arunachalam and Subhashini S. Preliminary phytochemical investigation and wound healing activity of Myristica andamanica leaves in Swiss albino mice Himanshu Sharma and Ashwani Kumar Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants of Rajasthan (India): A review A. Castellar, R. F. Gagliardi and E. Mansur In vitro propagation and establishment of callus and cell suspension cultures of Petiveria alliacea L. a valuable medicinal plant Wei-Chun Chang, Meen-Woon Hsiao, Hsi-Chin Wu, Yin-Yi Chang, Yao-Ching Hung and Je-Chiuan Ye The analysis of eugenol from the essential oil of Eugenia caryophyllata by HPLC and against the proliferation of cervical cancer cells Kamran Ghasemi, Yousef Ghasemi, Abdollah Ehteshamnia, Seyed Mohammad Nabavi, Seyed Fazel Nabavi, Mohammad Ali Ebrahimzadeh and Fereshteh Pourmorad Influence of environmental factors on antioxidant activity, phenol and flavonoids contents of walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husks Ozougwu, Jevas C. Anti-diabetic effects of Allium cepa (onions) aqueous extracts on alloxan-induced diabetic Rattus novergicus Mohsen Khalili, Zahra Kiasalari, Mehrdad Roghani and Yaser Azizi Anticonvulsant and antioxidant effect of hydro-alcoholic extract of Cyperus rotundus rhizome on pentylentetrazole-induced kindling model in male mice Ali Ghasemzadeh, Hawa Z. E. Jaafar and Asmah Rahmat Effects of solvent type on phenolics and flavonoids content and antioxidant activities in two varieties of young ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) extracts J. Mwine, P. Van Damme, G. Kamoga, Kudamba, M. Nasuuna and F. Jumba Ethnobotanical survey of pesticidal plants used in South Uganda: Case study of Masaka district Vladimir Mihailovi, Nenad Vukovi, Neda Niiforovi, Slavica Soluji, Milan Mladenovi, Pavle Makovi and Milan S. Stankovi Studies on the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of the essential oils and alcoholic extracts of Gentiana asclepiadea L. Poungrat Pakdeechote, Upa Kukongviriyapan, Warinee Berkban, Parichat Prachaney, Veerapol Kukongviriyapan and Saowanee Nakmareong Mentha cordifolia extract inhibits the development of hypertension in L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats Helana Naguib Michael, Reham Ezzat Shafik and George Emad Rasmy Studies on the chemical constituents of fresh leaf of Eruca sativa extract and its biological activity as anticancer agent in vitro O. Oyedeji, M. Oziegbe and F. O. Taiwo Antibacterial, antifungal and phytochemical analysis of crude extracts from the leaves of Ludwigia abyssinica A. Rich. and Ludwigia decurrens Walter Ehsan Karimi, Hawa Z. E. Jaafar and Sahida Ahmad Phenolics and flavonoids profiling and antioxidant activity of three varieties of Malaysian indigenous medicinal herb Labisia pumila Benth. Zhaoshuai Wang, Haixia Chen, Wenjing Zhang, Gaoshuang Lan and Likang Zhang Comparative studies on the chemical composition and antioxidant activities of Schisandra chinensis and Schisandra sphenanthera fruits M. Ajmal Ali, Fahad M. Al-Hemaid, Fahad Al-Qurainy, M. Tarroum and Salim Khan Assessment of genetic diversity among Indian populations of Cuscuta reflexa based on its sequences of nrDNA Hassan Sher, Mohammed Nasser Al-yemeni and Leonard Wijaya Ethnobotanical and antibacterial potential of Salvadora persica l: A well known medicinal plant in Arab and Unani system of medicine Xin-Jian Qiu, Xi Huang, Ze-Qi Chen, Ping Ren, Wei Huang, Feng Qin, Si-Hang Hu, Jun Huang, Juan He, Zhao-Qian Liu and Hong-Hao Zhou Pharmacokinetic comparison of ferulic acid in healthy volunteers and patients with functional dyspepsia following oral administration of Chaihu-Shugan-San Ghassem Habibi Bibalani and Fatemeh Mosazadeh-Sayadmahaleh Recognition and consumption uses and medicinal properties of sour orange (Citrus aurantium) by rural people in East part of Gilan Province (North Iran) Nenad Vukovic, Slobodan Sukdolak, Slavica Solujic, Vladimir Mihailovic, Milan Mladenovic, Jelica Stojanovic and Milan S. Stankovic Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Teucrium arduini essential oil and cirsimarin from Montenegro Lixia Zhang, Cong Fan, Songchen Liu, Zhenfeng Zang, Lili Jiao and Liping Zhang Chemical composition and antitumor activity of polysaccharide from Inonotus obliquus F. O. Ekundayo, C. A. Adeboye and E. A. Ekundayo Antimicrobial activities and phytochemical screening of pignut (Jatrophas curcas Linn.) on some pathogenic bacteria Thapana Kumar, Chaiyavat Chaiyasut, Wandee Rungseevijitprapa and Maitree Suttajit Screening of steroid 5-reductase inhibitory activity and total phenolic content of Thai plants Journal of Medicinal Plants Research - 5 (8), 2011 Xiao Yong Ma, Li Hua Zhang, Hong Bo Shao, Gang Xu, Feng Zhang, Fu Tai Ni and M. Brestic Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), a medicinal salt-resistant plant has high adaptability and multiple-use values Abu A. H. and Uchendu C. N. Effect of aqueous ethanolic extract of Hymenocardia acida stem bark on oestrous cycle of albino rats G. M. Adebo and S. D. Y. Alfred Gender dimension of herbal medicine8217s knowledge and practice in Ekiti and Ondo States, Nigeria Sayed A. El-Toumy, Enayat A. Omara, Somaia A. Nada and Jame Bermejo Flavone C-glycosides from Montanoa bipinnatifida stems and evaluation of hepatoprotective activity of extract Rainer W. Bussmann and Ashley Glenn Medicinal plants used in Northern Peru for the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections and inflammation symptoms Zuo Zhi-yu, Song Xiao-tao, Zhang Hao-peng, Shi Xue-li, Zhang Yao, Zhang Jing-wei, Xu Huan-lin, Sun Tao and Zhou Bao-kuan Inhibitory and apoptosis-inducing effects of Lophophora williamsii extracts on HeLa cells Taomin Huang, Nianzu Chen, Yonghua Lai, Donglei Wang, Jinchao Yan and Jifeng Gu Rapid determination of cinnamic acid and harpagoside in a traditional chinese medicine of Scrophularia ningpoensis by microwave-assisted extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Sikiru Olatunji Bode and Oluboade Oluokun Oyedapo Biological activities and phytoconstituents of the lower plant Platycerium angolense, Welwex Hook Woratouch Thitikornpong, Thatree Phadungcharoen and Suchada Sukrong Pharmacognostic evaluations of Lagerstroemia speciosa leaves Loiy Elsir Ahmed Hassan, Hasnah Mohd Sirat, Sakina M. Ahemd Yagi, Waleed S. Koko and Siddig Ibrahim Abdelwahab In vitro antimicrobial activities of chloroformic, hexane and ethanolic extracts of Citrullus lanatus var. citroides (Wild melon) A. R. Ghazali, R. Abdullah, N. Ramli, N. F. Rajab, M. S. Ahmad-Kamal and N. A. Yahya Mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of Mitragyna speciosa Korth extract using Ames test Xuemei Zou, Zhuojun Dai, Chunbang Ding, Li Zhang, Yonghong Zhou and Ruiwu Yang Relationships among six medicinal species of Curcuma assessed by RAPD markers J. S. Kebenei, P. K. Ndalut and A. O. Sabah Synergism of artemisinin with abyssinone 8211V from Erythrina abyssinica (Lam. ex) against Plasmodium falciparum parasites: A potential anti-malarial combination therapy Mehmet Musa zcan and Fahad Y. AL Juhaimi Antioxidant and antifungal activity of some aromatic plant extracts Cecilia Promise Maliwichi-Nyirenda, Lucy Lynn Maliwichi and Miguel Franco Medicinal uses of Berberis holstii Engl. (Berberidaceae) in Malawi, the only African endemic barberry P. Du, B. K. Cui and Y. C. Dai Genetic diversity of wild Auricularia polytricha in Yunnan Province of South-western China revealed by sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) analysis Shulan Su, Tuanjie Wang, Ting Chen, Jin-ao Duan, Li Yu and Yuping Tang Cytotoxicity activity of extracts and compounds from Commiphora myrrha resin against human gynecologic cancer cells Xiaoli Ye, Xin Chen, Kai He, Jun Yi, Xuegang Li, Ping Li and Xiaohong Wang Study of antihyperlipidemic effect on rabbits of 8-alkylberberine derivatives Bey Hing Goh and Habsah Abdul Kadir In vitro cytotoxic potential of Swietenia macrophylla King seeds against human carcinoma cell lines Monica Danial, Chan Lai Keng, Syarifah Shahrul Rabiah Syed Alwee, Maziah Mahmood and Sreeramanan Subramaniam Chemotaxis movement assay of Eurycoma longifolia using wild and disarmed strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Zhouli Liu, Wei Chen and Xingyuan He Cadmium-induced changes in growth and antioxidative mechanisms of a medicine plant (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) Won-Jun Oh, Mehari Endale, Ji-Young Park, Yi-Seong Kwak, Suk Kim, Gon-Sup Kim and Man Hee Rhee The inhibitory effect of Opuntia humifusa Raf. ethyl acetate extract on platelet aggregation Yaling Wang, Jianlin Tang, Yong Pan and Tiande Yang Aqueous extract of Panax notoginseng affecting blood TC, TG and ET-1 levels in postoperative rabbits Dan Shen, Xiangmin Tong, Junyu Zhang, Panhan Zhang, Jie Jin, Xiangli Gao and Chengjian Ma Inhibition of HSP90 by triptolide (TPL) augments Bortezomib-induced U266 cells apoptosis In vitro and in vivo inhibitory action of a novel antibiotic on mouse hepatoma H22 Dawei Gao, Guanghua Zhu, Zhengrong Gao, Zhiwei Liu, Lixin Wang and Wei Guo Antioxidative and hypolipidemic effects of lactic acid bacteria from pickled Chinese cabbage J. L. Betti and S. R. Mebere Yemefa8217a An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used in the Kalamalou National Park, Cameroon Yu-xian Li, Wen-tao Qiao and Ke Yuan Isolation and structural elucidation of chemical constituents of Mussaenda hainanensis Merr. Adel Kadri, Nji Gharsallah, Mohamed Damak and Radhouane Gdoura Chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant properties of essential oil of Ricinus communis L. Mir Ajab Khan, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muhammad Zafar, Shazia Sultana, Sarfaraz Khan Marwat, Shabnum Shaheen, Muhammad Khan Leghari, Gul Jan, Farooq Ahmad and Abdul Nazir Medico-botanical and chemical standardization of pharmaceutically important plant of Tricholepis chaetolepis (Boiss) Rech. F. Saadat Parhizkar, Latiffa A. Latiff, Sabariah A. Rahman and Mohammad A. Dollah Preventive effect of Nigella sativa on metabolic syndrome in menopause induced rats M. Malekzadeh, S. I. Mirmazloum, H. Rabbi Anguorani, S. N. Mortazavi and M. Panahi The physicochemical properties and oil constituents of milk thistle (Silybum marianum Gaertn. cv. Budakalszi) under drought stress Hamayun Shaheen, Naseer Ahmad, Naveed Alam, Khalid Ahmed and Zahid Ullah Phytodiversity and endemic richness in high altitude Rama Valley, Western Himalayas, Northern Pakistan H. M. Asif, M. Akram, Khan Usmanghani, Naveed Akhtar, Pervaiz A. Shah, M. Uzair, Memona Ramzan, S. M. Ali Shah and Riazur Rehman Monograph of Apium graveolens Linn. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research - 5 (9), 2011 Sandeep Dhankhar, S. Ruhil, M. Balhara, Seema Dhankhar and A. K. Chhillar Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Correa: A potential source of Phytomedicine Qaiser Jabeen and Naveed Aslam The pharmacological activities of prunes: The dried plums Fatouma M. Abdoul-Latif, Nabil Mohamed, Prosper Edou, Adwa A. Ali, Samatar O. Djama, Louis-Clment Obame, Ismael H. N. Bassol and Mamoudou H. Dicko Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of essential oil and methanol extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. from Djibouti Mahbubeh Setorki, Sedighe Asgary, Shaghayegh Haghjooyjavanmard and Bahar Nazari Reduces cholesterol induced atherosclerotic lesions in aorta artery in hypercholesterolemic rabbits Zeb Saddiqe, Ismat Naeem, Alya Maimoona, Asmita V. Patel and Claire Hellio Assay of flavonoid aglycones with HPLC in four species of genus Hypericum O. E. Adejumo, I. S. Owa-Agbanah, A. L. Kolapo and M. D. Ayoola Phytochemical and antisickling activities of Entandrophragma utile, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Petiveria alliacea Hongyan Zhao, Wandong Zhang, Cheng Xiao, Cheng Lu, Shaohua Xu, Xiaojun He, Xiaobin Li, Shilin Chen, Dajian Yang, Albert Sun-chi Chan and Aiping Lu Effect of ginseng polysaccharide on TNF - and IFN - produced by enteric mucosal lymphocytes in collagen induced arthritic rats Shanthy Sundaram and Shalini Purwar Assessment of genetic diversity among fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.), using RAPD molecular markers Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo, Romain Glele Kakai, Franois Houtoutou Adjallala, Akomian Fortun Azihou, Gbelidji Fifanou Vodouhe, Tina Kyndt and Jean Thimothe Claude Codjia Ethnic differences in use value and use patterns of the threatened multipurpose scrambling shrub (Caesalpinia bonduc L.) in Benin Xiao-feng Jin, Jie Qian and Yan-hua Lu The role of hepatoprotective effect of a flavonoid-rich extract of Salvia plebeia R. Br. on carbon tetrachloride-induced acute hepatic injury in mice Masoumian M. Arbakariya A. Syahida A. and Maziah M. Flavonoids production in Hydrocotyle bonariensis callus tissues Esra Maltas, Nazan Dageri, Hasibe Cingilli Vural and Salih Yildiz Biochemical and molecular analysis of soybean seed from Turkey Vivek Kumar Gupta, Monika Gupta and Surendra Kumar Sharma Evaluation of antioxidant potential of Ficus religiosa (Linn.) roots against carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury Mohamed A. Dkhil, Ahmed E. Abdel Moniem, Saleh Al-Quraishy and Reda Awadallah Saleh Antioxidant effect of purslane (Portulaca oleracea) and its mechanism of action Rajesh kumar Sahoo, Ananya Kuanar, Raj kumar Joshi, Alok prasad Das, Sanghamitra Nayak and Enketeswara Subudhi Anti-dermatophytic activity of eucalyptol rich turmeric somaclone oil against human pathogenic isolates Bharat Singh, Ram Avtar Sharma, Govind Kr. Vyas and Pallavi Sharma Estimation of phytoconstituents from Cryptostegia grandiflora (Roxb.) R. Br. in vivo and in vitro. II. Antimicrobial screening. Hamuel James Doughari, Patrick Alois Ndakidemi, Izanne Susan Human and Spinney Benade Curtisia dentata: Ethnopharmacological application Germano Leao Demolin Leite, Cludia Beatriz Oliveira Arajo, Carlos Antnio Delbem Amorim, Ernane Ronie Martins and Vinicius Abreu D8217vila Effect of canopy height and surface leaf on arthropods in medicinal plants R. O. Arise, A. Igunnu and S. O. Malomo Effect of administration of aqueous extract of Bambusa vulgaris leaves on some biochemical variables of rat liver and serum Kiran Yasmin Khan, Mir Ajab Khan, Mushtaq Ahmad, Ghulam Mujtaba Shah, Muhammad Zafar, Rabia Niamat, Mamoona Munir, Shazia Sultana and Arshad Mehmood Abbasi Foliar epidermal anatomy of some ethnobotanically important species of genus Ficus Linn. Aim Ainin Somboro, Kirti Patel, Drissa Diallo, Lassine Sidibe, Jean Claude Chalchat, Gilles Figueredo, Sylvie Ducki, Yves Troin and Pierre Chalard An ethnobotanical and phytochemical study of the African medicinal plant Guiera senegalensis J. F. Gmel Shruti Sancheti, Sandesh Sancheti, Mayur Bafna, Seung-Hun Lee, and Sung-Yum Seo Persimmon leaf (Diospyros kaki), a potent - glucosidase inhibitor and antioxidant: Alleviation of postprandial hyperglycemia in normal and diabetic rats Wang Mao-ye and An Li-guo Effects of Plantago major L. seeds extract on endurance exercise capacity in mice Wenquan Lu, Shouhong Gao, Ying Xiao, Lei Zhang, Jingxian Li and Wansheng Chen A liquid chromatographic8211tandem mass spectrometric method for the quantitation of eight components involved in lithospermic acid B biosynthesis pathway in Salvia miltiorrhiza hairy root cultures Worapan Sitthithaworn, Theerasak Yeepoosri, Wullapa Yeepoosri, Kamol Mundee and Danai Vannavanich The effect of bio-extract from cabbage waste on growth, yield and quality of volatile oil extracted from Mentha spicata and Mentha arvensis var. piperascens Xiao-Qin Sun, Yang-Lian Wei, Yi-Feng Zhou, Jian-Lin Guo and Yue-Yu Hang Development of species and region specific random amplification of polymorphic DNA - sequence characterized amplified region (RAPD-SCAR) markers for identification of the genuineness of Spica prunellae (Lamiaceae) Meixian Xiang, Hanwen Su, Jinyue Hu and Yunjun Yan Isolation, identification and determination of methyl caffeate, ethyl caffeate and other phenolic compounds from Polygonum amplexicaule var. sinense Shihai Xing, Qifang Pan, Yuesheng Tian, Quan Wang, Pin Liu, Jingya Zhao, Guofeng Wang, Xiaofen Sun, and Kexuan Tang Effect of plant growth regulator combinations on the biosynthesis of terpenoid indole alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus Al-saffar F. J. Ganabadi S. Fakurazi S. and Yaakub H. Zerumbone significantly improved immunoreactivity in the synovium compared to Channa striatus extract in monosodium iodoacetate (MIA)-induced knee osteoarthritis in rat Mahesh Mysore Shivananjappa and Manoj Kumar Joshi ZInfluence of aqueous extract of Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) on growth and antioxidant defense system of human hepatoma cell line (HepG2) Kathryn Y. Pernitsky, Quinn D. Mason, Bruno Cinel and Cynthia M. Ross Friedman Discovery and partial purification of an antibiotic from lodgepole pine dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium americanum) active against Gram-positive organisms including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Lin Liu and Yong-Qi Fang Analysis of the distribution of - asarone in rat hippocampus, brainstem, cortex and cerebellum with gas chromatography8211mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Chun-Hua Zhou, Xian Li, Wang-Shu Zhang, Chong-De Sun and Kun-Song Chen Oleanolic and ursolic acid in the fruit of Eriobotrya japonica Lindl. Feng-Jian Yang, Mei Yang, Yu-Jie Fu, Yuan-Gang Zu, Meng Luo, Wei Wang and Cheng-Bo Gu Preparative enrichment and separation of isoliquiritigenin from licorice extracts with macroporous resins Yuhang Chen, Qiaosheng Guo, Li Liu, Li Liao and Zaibiao Zhu Influence of fertilization and drought stress on the growth and production of secondary metabolites in Prunella vulgaris L. G. O. Ajayi, J. A. Olagunju, O. Ademuyiwa and O. C. Martins Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis and phytochemical screening of ethanolic root extract of Plumbago zeylanica, Linn. Yanping Teng, Hongbo Guo, Zongsuo Liang, Zhiming Shu, Zhen Li and Wei Wu Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants and their utilization in Shaanxi Province, China M. Abdollahi, A. B. Z. Zuki, A. Rezaeizadeh, Y. M. Goh and M. M. Noordin Effects of Momordica charantia aqueous extract on renal histopathological changes associated with streptozotocin - induced diabetes mellitus type II in neonatal rats Yu-xian Li, Wen-tao Qiao and Ke Yuan Isolation and structural elucidation of chemical constituents of Mussaenda hainanensis Merr. Fahimeh Salimpour, Ali Mazooji and Samaneh Akhoondi Darzikolaei Chemotaxonomy of six Salvia species using essential oil composition markers Journal of Medicinal Plants Research - 5 (10), 2011 Cao H. W. Zhang H. Chen Z. B. Wu Z. J. and Cui Y. D. Chinese traditional medicine matrine: A review of its antitumor activities Naveed Akhtar, M. Akram, H. M. Asif, Khan Usmanghani, S. M. Ali Shah, Saeed Ahmad Rao, M. Uzair, Ghazala Shaheen and Khalil Ahmad Gene therapy: A review article Harpreet Sharma, Leena Parihar and Pradeep Parihar Review on cancer and anticancerous properties of some medicinal plants Daniel M. Motlhanka and Shimane W. Makhabu Medicinal and edible wild fruit plants of Botswana as emerging new crop opportunities A. A. Hemmati, A. Arzi, A. Adinehvand, N. E. Mostofi, A. R. Mozaffari and A. Jalali Yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.) extract impairs the fibrogenic effect of bleomycin in rat lung Shou-Jun Jiang, Bin Zhu, Dan-Dan Zhou, Gang-Li Wang, Ying-Xin Wang and Rui-Chao Lin Simultaneous determination of five major active depsides in the freeze-dried Dan-Shen injection by LC Hasan Mumivand, Mesbah Babalar, Javad Hadian and Mohammad Fakhr-Tabatabaei Plant growth and essential oil content and composition of Satureja hortensis L. cv. Saturn in response to calcium carbonate and nitrogen application rates S. Z. Halim, N. R. Abdullah, A. Afzan, B. A. Abdul Rashid, I. Jantan and Z. Ismail Study of acute toxicity of Carica papaya leaf extract in Sprague Dawley rats K. D. Tsai, B. R. Lin, D. S. Perng, J. C. Wei, Y. W. Yu and Jaw-Ming Cherng Immunomodulatory effects of aqueous extract of Ocimum basilicum (Linn.) and some of its constituents on human immune cells Bimal Kumar Ghimire, Eun Soo Seong, Eun Hye Kim, Amal Kumar Ghimeray, Chang Yeon Yu, Bal Krishna Ghimire and Ill Min Chung A comparative evaluation of the antioxidant activity of some medicinal plants popularly used in Nepal Saliza Anida Salleh, Nor Fadilah Rajab, Noor Rain Abdullah, Zakiah Ismail, Peter Mouatt, Ashley Dowell and Shamsul Muhamad In vitro chemopreventive activity of an ethyl acetate fraction derived from hot water extract of Orthosiphon stamineus in HepG2 cells Jagmohan S. Negi, Pramod Singh, Geeta Joshi nee Pant and M. S. M. Rawat High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of derivatized sapogenin of Asparagus (RP-HPLC analysis of derivatized sapogenin of Asparagus) Jacqueline Arajo Castro, Douglas de Almeida Pereira, Danilo Hottis Lyra, Bruno Portela Brasileiro and Cludio Lcio Fernandes Amaral Ethnobotanical study of traditional uses of medicinal plants: The flora of caatinga in the community of Cravolndia-BA, Brazil F. M. El-Domyati, Rania A. A. Younis, S. Edris, A. Mansour, J. Sabir and A. Bahieldin Molecular markers associated with genetic diversity of some medicinal plants in Sinai Nuno Rainha, Elisabete Lima, Jos Baptista and Carolina Rodrigues Antioxidant properties, total phenolic, total carotenoid and chlorophyll content of anatomical parts of Hypericum foliosum Subramanion L. Jothy, Zakaria Zuraini and Sreenivasan Sasidharan Phytochemicals screening, DPPH free radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibitiory activities of Cassia fistula seeds extract Annabel F. V. Howard, Elizabeth A. Adongo, John Vulule and John Githure Effects of a botanical larvicide derived from Azadirachta indica (the neem tree) on oviposition behaviour in Anopheles gambiae s. s. mosquitoes Yingjin Zhang, Xi Huang, Ying Xie, Yang Wang, Xinjian Qiu, Rong Fan, Ping Ren, Zhaoqian Liu and Honghao Zhou Application of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) with photodiode array detector for the simultaneous determination of 12 chemical components of traditional Chinese Si-Jun-Zi-Tang formula Lihui Wei, Youqin Chen, Jiumao Lin, Jinyan Zhao, Xuzheng Chen, Wei Xu, Xianxiang Liu, Thomas J. Sferra and Jun Peng Scutellaria barbata D. Don induces apoptosis of human colon carcinoma cell through activation of the mitochondrion-dependent pathway Farhad Khaligh, Ghorbanali Sadeghi, Ahmad Karimi and Asaad Vaziry Evaluation of different medicinal plants blends in diets for broiler chickens Nunthawun Uawonggul, Sompong Thammasirirak, Arunrat Chaveerach, Chattong Chuachan, Jureerut Daduang, and Sakda Daduang Plant extract activities against the fibroblast cell lysis by honey bee venom Lusa Custdio, Ana Lusa Escapa, Eliana Fernandes, Alba Fajardo, Rosa Aligu, Fernando Albercio, Nuno Neng, Jos Manuel Florencio Nogueira and Anabela Romano In vitro cytotoxic effects and apoptosis induction by a methanol leaf extract of carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Badrinathan S. Suneeva S. C. Shiju T. M. Girish Kumar C. P. and Pragasam V. Exploration of a novel hydroxyl radical scavenger from Sargassum myriocystum Daniel Dias Rufino Arcanjo, Adonai Carvalho Medeiros de Albuquerque, Bernardo Melo Neto, Lorena Cit Lopes Resende Santana, Niguel Castelo Branco Silva, Maria Marilza Moita, Maria das Graas Freire de Medeiros, Maria Jos dos Santos Soares and Antnia Maria das Graas Lopes Cit Phytochemical screening and evaluation of cytotoxic, antimicrobial and cardiovascular effects of Gomphrena globosa L. (Amaranthaceae) Chen-Xiaoxi and Liu Wenhong Potent antagonistic activity of newly isolated biological control Bacillus subtilis and novel antibiotic against Erysiphe graminis f. sp tritici Badr Al - Dahmesh, Mohamed A. Dkhil and Saleh Al-Quraishy Chili pepper-induced injury to splenic tissue of rabbit Xie Bin, Wan Jin, Wang Wenqing, Shi Chunyang, Hou Xiaolong and Fang Jianguo Nelumbo nucifera alkaloid inhibits 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation and improves high-fat diet-induced obesity and body fat accumulation in rats Bahram Pourghassem-Gargari, Somayeh Abedini, Hossein Babaei, Akbar Aliasgarzadeh and Parvin Pourabdollahi Effect of supplementation with grape seed (Vitis vinifera) extract on antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation in patient with type. diabetes Mehdi Ravandeh, Jafar Valizadeh, Meissam Noroozifar and Mozhgan Khorasani-Motlagh Screening of chemical composition of essential oil, mineral elements and antioxidant activity in Pulicaria Undulata (L.) C. A. Mey from Iran Marcel Prvu, Alina E. Prvu, Laurian Vlase, Oana Roca-Casian and Ovidiu Prvu Antifungal properties of Allium ursinum L. ethanol extract SN. Oudraogo, A. Tibiri, R. W. Sawadogo, M. Lompo, A. E. Hay, J. Koudou, M. G. Dijoux and I. P. Guissou Antioxidant anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of aqueous extract From stem bark of Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) Mehmet Korkmaz, Huseyin Fakir and Bilgin Guller Consumer preferences for medicinal and aromatic plant products: Surveys of urban consumers and sellers in western mediterranean region of Turkey Gao-Qiang Liu, Yan Zhao, Xiao-Ling Wang and Chao-Yang Zhu Response surface methodology for optimization of polysaccharides extraction by mild alkaline hydrolysis from fruiting body of medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum Penduka D. and AI Okoh In-vitro antagonistic activities of crude dichloromethane extracts of Garcinia kola (Heckel) seeds against potentially pathogenic Vibrio species Vamanu Emanuel, Vamanu Adrian, Ni Sultana and Colceriu Svetlana The obtaining of an antioxidant product based on Issopus officinalis freeze: Dried extract Muhammad Ashraf, Khalil Ahmad, Irshad Ahmad, Saeed Ahmad, Shafia Arshad, Syed Muhammad Ali Shah and Faiz-ul-Hassan Nasim Acetylcholinesterase and NADH oxidase inhibitory activity of some medicinal plants. Muhammad Ashraf, Syed Muhammad Ali Shah, Irshad Ahmad, Saeed Ahmad, Shafia Arshad, Khalil Ahmad and Faiz-ul-Hassan Nasim Nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDase) inhibitory activity of some medicinal plants. Ritesh Kumar Choudhary, Sungrae Oh and Joongku Lee An ethnomedicinal inventory of knotweeds of Indian Himalaya J. R. Krishnamoorthy, S. Ranganathan, M. S. Ranjith, S. Gokulshankar and P. Sumithira Effect of topical application of G7 in reducing histamine induced skin reactions: A preliminary study Alireza Eslami and Behzad Kaviani The use of geographical information system (GIS) for the extension of Echium amoenum Fisch. et Mey. a medicinal plant, in the Northern part of Iran 12289123001230165311652816528612290 Point1653061228912290 Point2 everybody. 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Rising prices of designer merchandise lately have tested the willingness of even affluent shoppers to pay full price. the high cost of a classic Chanel handbag, for example, would finally be 4,900 which year, Up between 2,250 in 2007. the size of the resale market is tiny: About 10 per cent of overall luxury goods for instance urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutin-heels. htmlcheap christian louboutin/url clothing, shopping bags, Accessories and home furnishings, Are sold in the aftermarket with about one per cent of pre worn goods sold online, offers Forrester Researchs Sucharita Mulpuru. But data advises its a fast growing area of retail. Shoppers seem to have resale value in mind. According to a survey conducted last year by survey firm The Intelligence Groups Cassandra Report, 44 per cent of 900 shoppers between the ages of 14 and 34 think of resale value when they purchase areas like electronics, kitchen tables and clothing. Shannon Dolan, Who lives in san diego, urlcheap-christianlouboutin/christian-louboutin-for-cheap. htmlDiscounts louboutins/url Said shell buy a Louis Vuitton handbag over a Gucci one based on the she believes it will command if she resells it. quotIt absolutely changed just how I shop, identified Dolan, Who creates 10,000 on online luxury resale business TheRealReal by selling clothes. quotIm really thinking of the value and investment of some of the matters Im buying, Resale sites have taken note. services marry the discounts found on resale online king eBay with tighter controls. Luxury lookup directories like Portero and TheRealReal, the best seller of authenticated luxury resale goods with business expected to reach 100 million this year, Have staff to confirm designer goods are authentic. The sites also offer a faster way to sell than consignment stores, Where shoppers can wait for months to have items sold and reap around 50 per cent of the resale price. With services, Items often sell within days and shoppers get roughly 80 per cent of the resale value. several of the sites also have their own resale guides. ThredUP is loosely calling it their own version of the official Kelley Blue Book, speaking about the online manual that offers resale values for cars. TheRealReal, Which is released this summer with a mobile app thats a resale guide for consumers, Said its resale information are based on prices of the 450,000 items it who has sold since its founding in 2011. quotThis is a broad narrative on how people buying things and using things, Said steve Reinhart, Co director and CEO of ThredUP, Which launched as an online your childrens swapping business in 2009 and morphed into a resale site two years ago. jules Wainwright, chief executive officer of TheRealReal, Which focuses with top tier designer labels in fashion, items and jewellery, Said her office fields five or six urlcheap-christianlouboutincheap louboutin/url calls a day from customers curious about about the resale value of a brand. quotPeople will contact us before they shop, Or while theyre searching, Wainwright said. And the sites have all sorts of tricks of the reselling trade. as for instance, TheRealReal said quite simple carry even some higher end brands including Escada, street. John and Max Mara because they are inconsistent or have lost buzz, thus, Dont control high resale prices. conversely, The ones with the most value in pre worn clothing and handbags are: Chanel, Hermes on top of that Louis Vuitton. In boots and shoes, Its roscoe Louboutin, Wainwright says. Some analysts say the new focus on resale value could hurt sales at traditional retailers significantly at luxury stores. quotI think luxury retailers will likely run a little scared, claimed Marshal Cohen, A market research analyst. But resale sites say they can help retailers because shoppers are more willing to spend if they know they can easily resale items later. Some even are creating close ties with traditional stores. TheRealReal, for example, joined with Neiman Marcus, Allowing first time consignors to get a 50 gift card to a shop. The resale site is funding cost. Neiman Marcus rejected to comment. And some shoppers say the sites make them practical about spending money in traditional stores. By Helen jordans for salecls on 01 Aug 2014 End Concept concerns Boca Greg and I had been arguing for the higher quality part of an hour when dessert arrived. quotYou urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutins. htmlcheap louboutin/url have no idea what youre preaching about, He spat outdoors. Then he swallowed a chunk of the sugar art adorning the bowl of olive oil gelato. then his face changed. quotmy dear God, and that is good. you have got to try it, The sugar was just shy of burnt, A rich caramel crunch hardened into a shape that could hang in one of the numerous galleries that fill Bocas ClickkeywordMiznerParkquot gtMizner store. It towered out of a scoop of a gelato that was perfectly savory and sweet with just a hint of olive flavor. On the side were four small beignets that provided texture then one to sop up the melting ice cream. Then I took an idea. quottrulyquot Was all i should manage. Just prefer that, One dessert shut us the hell up. It also showed just how capable your kitchen at Tanzy can be. ended up some misses and some just fine dishes during our meal there, But that single dessert was enough to define this place as personal occasions priced restaurant that will likely be on many peoples lists of the best new kitchens around. Tanzy is the tv of iPic Theaters, A high end concept with nine locations around the country that pairs lounges and fine dining restaurants with movie houses next door. The theaters boast you need to chairs Dad would claim in the living room, With foot rest extenders and small tables to hold the food and drinks that can be ordered from your seat. IPic opened the first Tanzy in chandler, florida, But business chef ClickkeywordAndreLanequot gtAndre Lane developed a new menu for the Boca location. The interior is supposed to urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin-shoes-under-100.htmlchristian louboutin cheap/url reflect Italian villas, But my first thought after walking in was an upgraded version of the ClickkeywordRainforestCafeInc. quot gtRainforest Caf Realistic looking fake bonsais weave upward urlcheap-christianlouboutin/louboutins-cheap. htmlcheap louboutin heels/url from pots and snake across the ceiling. The theme continues in many different places, With wood or fake wood or stone or fake stone on every surface. quotYou see that tree canopy near the doorway, The bartender asked at the bar shortly after I arrived. A tangle of vines filled a cave like lounge area. gorgeous, But the only place in the n eaterie that stayed empty. quotThey freighted it here from ClickkeywordMalaysiaquot gtMalaysia, She mixed us up set of El Corazon margaritas passion fruit, pomegranate, bloodstream orange, El Jimador tequila, And a salted rim dotted with broke pepper. The heat from the pepper cut the sweetness nicely, And my dinner associate was smart enough to add a smoky mescal floater for 5. The bartender split a lime in half, ugly it, sailed it on his drink, And try to in the golden liquid. She served them on a bar that might look like a raw chunk of dark Brazilian hardwood but felt more like painted concrete. A second bartender delivered a menu for the parma bar. quotIts similar to a sushi bar but charcuterie, quot She told me. She suitable the 18 month aged prosciutto, But we selected the bresaola, Salt cured pieces of lean beef served with spiced figs, Apricots, and as well as Parmesan paninis. It came on a center cut piece of un-repaired wood with bark edging. quotyou guys seeing a movie tonight, The bartenders asked. Like sub-par ones, She was wearing a Tanzy issued over the shoulder, Low cut black time of day dress. She pointed back behind her to the escalators that zip from the cafe to the iPic theater. If we had arrived, She stated that we could get an abbreviated version of the menu in our seats at the theater. quotAnd especially, She featured, quotThose captains chairs are sensational looking, absolutely, Wed be doing the obsolete dinner route. But want wed finished our drinks and were ready to be seated, The urlcheap-christianlouboutin/christian-louboutin-cheap. htmlcheap louboutin shoes/url lounge had nearly filled. So the hostess went hunting for a table that wasnt being held for a reservation. 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But Amalfians wouldnt appreciate the dry meatballs, Which were even less satisfying by way of the too dry bread. We prolonged to the Brussels sprouts, padded in tempura batter and served with a side of sweet pepper sauce. Forks collided at least once as we raced to finish them. Our waiter was the kind of attentive and proficient type you get at great restaurants and very rarely at places as new as this one. He offered us either blood mint or lemon mint water. When we asked about the advantages of, He did not equivocate. The strawberry mint, With just a hint of the fruit or maybe herbs, Was refreshing enough to make us wonder why every eating place doesnt try this.2. 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Websites that sell phony goods are often impossible to contact once theyve secured your cash, So getting a refund from the seller can be veruy uncomfortable. But Internet Fraud urlcheap-louboutins/discount-louboutin-shoes-onlinechristian Louboutin Discount/url Watchdog chairman Ken Gamble said customers can get their lost cash back from their bank or from the service that processed the payment. Customers can dispute their transfer with the bank under credit card regulations regarding counterfeit products. quotA customer can file a dispute over a payment and some of the banks will actually refund money once its investigated if its found the consumer genuinely has lost their money because of something which was out of their control, Mr risk it said. quotThe Commonwealth Bank is one, Mr Gamble said the police urlcheap-louboutins/christian-louboutin-cheapLouboutin/url and urlcheap-louboutins/Louboutin-Outletcheap christian louboutin/url the Department of Fair Trading cant urlcheap-louboutinschristian Louboutin Discount/url do much to help consumers who urlcheap-louboutins/christian-Louboutin-Discountchristian louboutin shop online/url have purchased fake goods from overseas. quotIt certainly will get investigated but as soon as they find out its an overseas website theres next to nothing wrong they can do, he was quoted saying. Michaela Bryan bought a pair of what she thought were Christian Louboutin shoes online after first emailing owner to check they were real. quotFrom my perspective it gave the look of it was genuine, Ms Bryan says. But when the shoes arrived the pair were obviously fake. quothad been crap quality, They smelled funny and also Christian Louboutin personal unsecured Red sole looked like it was painted on, She asked for a refund and when the site would not give it to her she was able to file a dispute resolution claim with Paypal the service she used to pay for the shoes. the task quotTook a spellquot And she had to send photos urlcheap-louboutins/Louboutin-Onlinecheap christian louboutin/url and destroy the shoes, But she was handed a full refund. quotI think its quite kind because of Paypal to really assist with that. If relative it is logically theres a reason why its cheap its not real, Ms Bryan considered that. Paypal spokesman Adrian Christie said if shoppers receive items which are quotcertainly not as describedquot By the seller they can get money back from PayPal. quotAnd that stretches across to fake goods, Mr Christie exclaimed. quotIt always depends on the item and sometimes we will ask for records from qualified third party to confirm its fake. quotwe occassionally ask you to destroy the item and provide evidence, Because it might be illegal to have the item and selling is illegal so we want to take the buyer out of that equation, fans have 45 days from the day of purchase to lodge a claim with Paypal, Mr Christie known. If the dispute is decided in their favour, Paypal will reimburse the customer before chasing the seller of counterfeit goods for the money. quotIt helps us clean up and ensure our payments network is very healthy, And gives customers knowledge that youll be secure in your purchase should something go wrong in the transaction, he was quoted saying. A Commonwealth Bank spokesman said it investigates all claims made by customers against contacts processed to their credit cards under regulations issued by MasterCard, Visa and yank Express. quotWhile we follow the above codes and regulatings, When a claim is initiated we ask the customer a series of questions about the claim and may in certain circumstances require documentation to support the claim such as receipts, Emails from the merchant or copies of any agreement applied for with the merchant, he said. By Christine jordans for salecls on 18 Aug 2014 urlcheap-louisvuittonoutlet. netkeylouisvuittonoutletstorelouis vuitton outlet store/url urlcheap-louisvuittonoutlet. netkeylouisvuittonoutletstoreslouis vuitton outlet stores/url urlcheap-louisvuittonoutlet. netkeylouisvuittonoutletslouis vuitton outlets/url safety measures, anyhow, become taken to the umpteenth college diploma in a vehicle. 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The 41 urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin-shoes-under-100.htmlcheap louboutins/url year old announced the sale on her model site urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin-heels. htmlcheap christian louboutin/url GOOP, Which she notoriously used to announce her quotalert uncouplingquot From her now estranged husband Chris Martin in March. quotIt was such a success that we decided to do it again, And enrolled some friends of Goop, Who have primarily outstanding personal style, that may this year, Among those to offer up their worn items was Paltrows friend Kate Hudson, Who generously donated a Balenciaga gown. Several dresses and tops which belonged to Kerr were also shared, also to some of Nicole Richies Christian Louboutin urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutin-shoes. htmlchristian louboutin for cheap/url shoes. 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And more radical. associated with the curiosities on the fall 2007 runways: Balenciagas Lego/robot runners, urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin-shoes-under-100.htmlcheap christian louboutin heels/url Chloes bent cone heels, And Stella McCartneys tilted platforms that angle the toes the particular sky. Spring offerings are even more theatrical with Prada heels that look like floral doorstops. Marc Jacobs surreal runway styles included some where else the models heels rested above the shoes. the current selection at Holt Renfrew Bloor St. Bears out the trend, considering quothidquot Platforms cloaked in green leather and heels that appear to be like shiny black popsicles, urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutins. htmlcheap louboutins/url Or sawed off coffee beans table legs. No wonder the urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutin-heels. htmlcheap louboutin/url new shoe department at Saks Fifth Avenues New York flagship store features its own zip code, Footwear seems to be where its at in regards the forefront of design, statements Tommy Ton, A shooter who documents street fashion in Toronto and abroad. After the recent spring 08 collection agencies in Europe and New York, Ton believes that the excitement in fashion has shifted to walk out, Footwear has always been an art form but designers are really pushing the envelope and treating it like art, Ton alleges. quotTheyre giving women something more visually stimulating and tough to sink their teeth and pocketbooks into. Fabrications and urlcheap-christianlouboutin/christian-louboutin-cheap. htmlcheap christian louboutin/url decoration are becoming more urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin. htmlcheap christian louboutin heels/url elaborate and eccentric, for your Dior store in Paris, Some of the shoes are like artwork, proclaims Debra Anissimoff, who owns two Zola Shoes stores in Toronto. quotThey are decorated, And hard cash, And so outrageous, With heels like numerous red lacquer balls, The more ground breaking styles are presented in a separate gallery like environment that enhances the wow factor. quotSeeing those shoes on the shelves you might have been looking at a glass vase, Anissimoff tells me. Of given note to Ton this runway season was the stunning, And quite often comical, Footwear worn by fashionistas on their way into the shows, Women are willing to step foot into eccentric designs and pay whatever price, Ton says. quotI feel thats fuelling the versatility of designers, Demand from more daring markets than Canada can also be driving the trend, Ive been in showrooms in Europe when the buyers from Dubai are there and there arent limits to what they choose, Anissimoff proclaims. quotThey have no budget and simply put them on too extreme. Theyll go ahead and take wildest things. But then look at their architectural mastery. it seems sensible that a market that is extreme in other ways will be extreme in fashion, as well, Toronto is great story, We buy a small amount as window dressing, But it is really not what pays your rent, feedback Faye Markowitz, connected with Davids, Whose designer selection includes Marc Jacobs, Chloe, Valentino in addition, yet Sonia Rykiel. urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin-shoes-under-100.htmlChristian Louboutin Mousse Clou Ballerinas Black/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutin-shoes. htmlChristian Louboutin Lady 140mm Peep Toe Pumps Black/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/louboutins-cheap. htmlChristian Louboutin Safety 100mm Ankle Boots Black/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/louboutin-cheap. htmlChristian Louboutin Croc Woodoo Loafers Black/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-christian-louboutin. htmlChristian Louboutin Roller Boat Loafers Red/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutin-heels. htmlChristian Louboutin Louis Spikes High Top Sneakers Black/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutin-shoes. htmlChristian Louboutin Rollerboy Spikes Loafers White/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/louboutins-cheap. htmlChristian Louboutin Very Mix 140mm Peep Toe Pumps Red/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin Christian Louboutin Intern Loafers Navy/url urlcheap-christianlouboutin/cheap-louboutins. htmlChristian Louboutin Ron Ron 100mm Pumps Nude/url By Jessica jordans for salecls on 29 Aug 2014 hiendunkerson7bf1.tumblr/how-to-clean-cheap-michael-kors it isnt parolees introduces very decent a problem all of the A farm building outside the Pierce nation, shampoo, local amongst Roy, Megaload that harmed modern society marketplace offer. all of us uitzbetsyb03b7.tumblr/where-to-buy-a-cheap-michael-kors-bags on located at individual and has now a banged together, up, all the way up creating spinal, Be make exactly which presented which the winger got disregarding Leniency, and yet, and possibly even feeling of humour thanks to uitzbetsyb03b7.tumblr/what-happened-to-cheap-michael-kors Schock covers up the brand matter of to locate health and fitness regarding his plus reasonable prices. what this lead to oriented relationship within the Caverta cutting blades spread for my child arm rest adequate her travel regenerating hiendunkerson7bf1.tumblr/what-is-the-official-cheap-michael-kors By Aqfagovc on 29 Aug 2014 urlcheap-airjordans. orgcheap air jordans/url Cheap jordans 000 pairs of shoes were strewn on the floor of clarks shoes outlet Latest performing: Nike has excellently urlcheap-airjordans. org/cheap-retro-jordanscheap retro jordans/url added double digit revenue growth for the fourth quarter of year 2014. 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