Forex Forex (Foreign Exchange) é o nome dado ao comércio de acesso direto de moedas estrangeiras. Com um volume médio diário de 1,4 trilhões, o forex é 46 vezes maior do que todos os mercados de futuros combinados e, por essa razão, é o mercado mais líquido do mundo. No passado, o comércio de forex era limitado em grande parte aos bancos de bancos de dinheiro enorme e outros comerciantes institucionais. Mas nos últimos anos, as inovações tecnológicas e o desenvolvimento de plataformas de negociação on-line, como o usado por dt FX, permitem que os pequenos comerciantes aproveitem os benefícios significativos de negociar moedas estrangeiras com o forex. Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex) A negociação permite que um investidor participe de flutuações lucrativas das moedas mundiais. Negociação de Forex funciona selecionando pares de moedas e, em seguida, medindo lucro ou perda pelas flutuações de uma atividade de mercado de uma moeda em comparação com o outro. Por exemplo, as flutuações no valor do dólar americano são medidos contra outra moeda mundial, como a libra esterlina, eurodólar, iene japonês, etc ser capaz de discernir as tendências de preços na atividade de mercado é a essência de todas as negociações rentáveis e isso é o que faz Moedas estrangeiras tão emocionante, as moedas são o melhor mercado de tendências do mundo. Isso dá aos investidores de Forex uma margem de lucro que não está disponível na maioria dos outros mercados. Forex Trading está sendo chamado hoje emocionante nova oportunidade de investimento para o investidor savvy. A razão é que o Forex Trading Market só começou a surgir em 1978, quando as moedas mundiais foram autorizados a flutuar de acordo com a oferta e demanda, 7 anos após o Gold Standard foi abandonado. Até 1995 o Forex Trading só estava disponível para bancos e grandes corporações multinacionais, mas hoje, graças à proliferação do computador e uma nova era de tecnologias de comunicação via Internet, este mercado altamente lucrativo está aberto a todos. O Forex Trading Markets crescimento tem sido sem precedentes, explosivo, e continua a ser inigualável por qualquer outro mercado comercial Simplesmente afirmado, Forex é o mais rentável, porque é o maior mercado do mundo. O mercado de Moeda Estrangeira como um todo representa mais de 1,2 trilhão de dólares de negociação por dia (conforme determinado pelo quarto inquérito do Banco Central de Divisas e Derivativos Market Activity, 1998. Esta figura é entendida como significativamente maior hoje). Para colocar isso em perspectiva, em qualquer dia a atividade de câmbio é muito maior do que o mercado de ações. É 75 vezes maior que a Bolsa de Valores de Nova York, onde o valor médio diário total (usando valores de 1998) de ações estrangeiras e domésticas é de 16 bilhões e muito maior do que a atividade diária na Bolsa de Valores de Londres, com 11 bilhões de Forex. Dagangan matawang asing). Forex, nama singkatan populares Câmbio adalah Satu lagi bentuk sumber Wang Yang populares dikalangan pelabur mahupun usahawan internet. Ia membolehkan kita memperdagangkan matawang asing dengan mudah. Jika sebelum ini hanya banco-banco Besar Dan orang yang kaya didunia sahaja Bulé membuat forex, tetapi internet kini sesiape saja yang mempunyai dan PC dirumah MAMPU untuk menceburkan diri dalam Forex (secara negociação internet).Akibat dari pada saingan corretora forex di internet, kini dengan bermodalkan USD1 sahaja pun anda sudah Bulé memulakan dagangan forex. Malah sudah plataforma ade corretor internet forex Yang menawarkan modal pendahuluan apabila e um menyertai programa mereka. bagi Mercado Forex Trading pada masa kini mencecah Nilai 1.4Trillion USD sehari. Ianya 46 kali pada Lebih Besar daripada Gabungan mercado Semua masa depan. Ini membuktikan Forex adalah pasaran dagangan yang empalidecendo Besar asetnya di dunia pada masa kini. Kini-programa programa sudah ada yang menawarkan sistem kawalan dagangan programa Forex yang baik dan terancang. Gabungan yang baik, habilidade dan pegalaman seseorang pedagang Forex dalam menganalisa secara mercado fundamentais ataupun secara teknikal, dengan mudah mereka dapat mengaut keuntungan yang banyak disamping dapat meminima kan risiko Kerugian. Anda Bulé Lihat contoh website forex di: TOP 100 FOREX SITES Marketiva Marketiva adalah Broker dagangan matawang asing (forex) yang populares ketika ini. Apabila anda mendaftar dengan Marketiva, anda Bulé muat turun Marketiva Streamer iaitu satu Platfom forex yang mudah Senang dikendalikan, sesuai bagi Mereka yang baru menjinakkan diri dalam dunia forex. Malah anda akan diberi 5usd percuma apabila mendaftar dengan mrketiva, Juga 10000usd dinheiro virtual (duit maya) untuk anda berlatih melakukan negociação. Anda juga Bulé memulakan jual / beli sebenar dari Serendah 1usd, tidak seperti corretor deitado yang sekurang-kurangnya anda kene ade 100 usd Lebih atau. Comece a negociar Forex Com tão pouco como 1 na Marketiva Se você já pensou sobre Forex Trading, em seguida, um ótimo lugar para aprender é aqui no Marketiva, mais eles pagam-lhe dinheiro real apenas para abrir a sua conta e outros 10.000 dinheiro virtual para praticar com. Spot trading de câmbio é o maior mercado do mundo. Involes a compra e venda de uma moeda countrys em termos de outro. Investir neste mercado altamente lucrativo dá aos investidores a oportunidade de ganhar lucros em apenas uma questão de minutos. Marketiva é uma empresa suíça com sede em Lausanne e lançou recentemente a sua plataforma de negociação Forex totalmente integrado com e-currencys É uma plataforma de ponta com muitas características avançadas, mas realmente amigável para iniciantes com 24 horas de apoio ao vivo através de sua sala de chat onboard Passe algum tempo no site e você só pode surpreender-se com o quanto você aprender e em seis meses ou um ano a partir de agora você poderia estar negociando para ganhar a vida. Você sabia que a Chrysler Corporation fez mais dinheiro no ano passado do Forex Trading do que a produção de carros. Por favor, tome nota se você se juntar ao fim de semana os Mercados fechar às 5:00 EST 10:00 GMT às sextas-feiras e ao vivo de negociação ao vivo chat e suporte ao vivo estão fechadas até 5:00 EST ou 10:00 GMT domingo. Você ainda pode entrar em contato com o seu sistema de e-mail no site se Você tem alguma dúvida Juntando Marketiva é um processo de 2 etapas primeiro preencher o formulário de candidatura para participar e, em seguida, você precisa fazer o download Streamster do site Marketiva para ganhar acesso à sua plataforma de negociação e chat ao vivo. Klik Tab Abrir conta dan isikan Borang pendaftaran dengan maklumat lengkap anda: - Bulé guna kupon-kupon ni Semasa mendaftar Marketiva: KMH4DR0T2W. X5C7AQGO36. KDL4DYOXKP. 8MB1E8ZN81. DXM4B11IP9. 3SR3SB2JUM. EYI5SCJ3ZR. KV4FCQJR4E. 9TXVEKOGDK. EPV12WXKDC. 9FZE78NRXP. 0T7SSCRJ2E. JCU7HAITQC. C3GWP48SQU. TWV24879G7. S7GZH4AML8. 4K2X1SJRZ9. MOQS15SBIC. 7SGPPOY208. ZVK6H8XPWM Seteah mendaftar, e um buleh buka e-mail e um sebagai pengesahan yang marketiva mendaz pendaftaran anda. Adalah sebaik-baiknya e um terus membuat proses verifikasi bagi mengelakkan akaun anda dibekukan. Cara nya ialah dengan klik Disini: - Marketiva / index. ncrepageidentification dan carregar dua dokumen pengesahan diri anda: 1 Salinan kad pengenalan, 2bill utiliti yg tertera nama dan Alamat anda Semasa anda mendaftar Marketiva. Seterusnya kita muta turun marketiva streamer, iaitu satu programa yang dapat menunjukkan carta matawang forex maklumat akaun anda secara ao vivo. anda Bulé muaturun nya Disini: Marketiva / getclient. ncrenamestreamsterversionlatest atau klik pada get streamer Download: Instale dan de login Marketiva streamer menggunakan nama Samaran senha yang anda guna Semasa mendaftar. Sedikit pengenalan antara muka Marketiva flâmula: - Sebagai permulaan anda diberi 5 usd percuma kedalam akaun sebenar anda (conta real) sebanyak 10,000usd diberi sebagai akaun maya (conta virtual). Anda buleh menambah nilai akaun sebenar anda dengan membuat depósito transferência de fio melalui, e-gold ataupun e-bullion. Kini anda Bulé terus membuat fim Belian (compra) atau jualan (venda) menggunakan Nilai yang ada didalam akaun anda. Adalah dinasihatkan kepada pengguna baru agar membiasenya diri berdagang di Marketiva menggunakan akaun maya. Sehingga anda sudah Yakin barulah beralih ke akaun sebenar. Untuk membuar encomendar jualan atau Belian, anda hanya Perlu klik pada pasangan matawang yang ingin anda principal, Satu tetingkap baru akan keluar dimana anda Bulé meletakkan Jenis fim, kadar sasaran, teve kerugian ataupun kuantiti dagangan anda: Ini adalah perkara asas dalam Marketiva platform. anda Juga buleh mendapatkan suporte ao vivo pada fórum de discussão di marketiva streamer. Ada juga canal Malásia dimana anda buleh berborak e bincang berkenaan forex. E-OURO E-Gold ialah matawang elektronik (e-moeda) yang dikeluarkan Oleh e-Gold Ltd. yang nilainya disandarkan kepada harga emas Semasa dalam US atau mata wang yang lain. Unidade e-Gold ini boleh digunakan untuk membeli atau membuat pembayaran kepada barangan atau produk dari syarikat yang bersedia menerima e-gold sebagai pembayaran. Setelah buka akaun e-Gold. Unidade de e-Gold boleh idem / dibeli atau dijual semula melalui agente / syarikat jaul-beli e-Gold, lihat senarai dalam laman web e-Gold pada menu e-Gold Directory. Terdapat banyak, agen, yang, menjalankan, bisnies, dengan, memberikan, kemudahan, mengenakan, komisen. E-gold Introdução em inglês. - E-ouro foi estabelecido em 1996. É uma moeda eletrônica que seja suportada a onça pela onça pelo lingote de ouro real. Não está ligado ao sistema bancário de forma alguma. E-ouro-se não pode converter dinheiro em ouro ou vice-versa. Em vez disso, há dezenas de serviços de troca independentes que vão mudar seu dinheiro em ouro ou seu ouro em dinheiro. Nós nos referimos a esses serviços como corretores de ouro. Vantagens: Qualquer pessoa pode abrir uma conta gratuita de e-gold sem restrições (geográfica, idade, status etc.). Você pode ter mais de uma conta de e-gold. Demora 5 minutos para abrir a sua conta e outros 5 minutos para configurar um carrinho de compras único item. Você pode financiar sua conta com um cartão de crédito, cartão de débito, transferência bancária, cheque bancário, dinheiro, banca eletrônica, Western Union, etc etc - as opções estão crescendo o tempo todo. Transferir dinheiro de conta para conta é fácil, seguro e quase instantâneo. Para todos os efeitos, uma conta de e-gold é uma conta offshore instantânea. Não existe tal coisa como um estorno - uma vez que o dinheiro foi transferido para a sua conta é isso. Gastar e-gold é gratuito. Taxas de transação do fornecedor são muito muito baixas em relação às taxas de cartão de crédito. É apenas 1 sujeito a um máximo de 50 centavos (USD) por transação. Há uma taxa anual de Agio de 1 em seu saldo mensal médio. Isso é deduzido em parcelas mensais. Em geral, é uma ótima maneira de passar anonimamente dinheiro de um indivíduo para outro indivíduo / organização. Resgatar seu e-gold é fácil. Você acabou de receber um cheque (cheque) postado para qualquer nome que você quer em qualquer endereço que você deseja. Tê-lo transferido diretamente para sua conta no Reino Unido, sem nenhum custo. Você também pode contratar seu e-gold com vários cartões de ATM anônimos. Desvantagens: O único inconveniente com e-gold é que o financiamento de sua conta e-gold não instantânea. A primeira vez que você financia sua conta com um cartão de crédito haverá um atraso enquanto seu cartão é verificado. Isso pode ser qualquer coisa de algumas horas a um dia e só pode envolver um telefonema para você. A próxima vez será muito mais rápido como seu cartão de crédito seria verificado. Apenas alguns corretores de ouro vai aceitar cheques pessoais (cheques) e cartões de crédito. A taxa cobrada por usar um cartão de crédito pode parecer ser bastante elevado. Goldex taxa 10 que é a melhor tarifa que encontramos. O desconto oferecido por alguns fornecedores para usar e-gold geralmente cobrir a carga. Financiamento de sua conta de forma anônima pode levar qualquer coisa de um dia para 2 semanas, dependendo do método que você usa. Basta ir a qualquer banco e entregar o seu dinheiro. Você pode então tê-lo ligado a seu corretor de ouro ou postar um projecto de banco para eles. Esta é também a forma mais barata de financiar a sua conta Abra uma conta E-gold: Anda Bulé Buka Disini akaun e-gold: - e-gold / newacct / newaccount. aspcid2640498 Apabila anda sudah memasuki lamanweb e-gold, anda Bulé ikut Langkah dibawah Untuk bantuan pendaftran: - 1. Criar uma conta Eu concordo 2. Isi seluruh informasi yang diperlukan oleh pihak E-Gold Passphrase senha atau gabungan huruf dan angka. Cara membuat pharaprase yg benar seperti ini. 1234bikinegold, surabaya1234. Atau anda pilih senha dengan mencampur angka dan huruf. Pilih nama conta e-gold anda dengan benar, misalnya. Siti Egold, Idol Egold, Meu Egold dsb terserah anda. 3. Verifique os dados semua. 4. Nombor ID E-Gold e um akan dikirim ke e-mail anda. 5. Buka e-mail e um 2 menit kemudian, baca e-mail dari pihak E-Gold Empresa dan catat nombor ID E-Gold e um tersebut, selalu ingat Não Conta e-gold dan rahsiakan senha anda. Menu apa yang tersedia di e-gold Menu yang disediakan adalah sbb .: Balanço para o bak wang dana anda. Passe um pouco de hantar / bayar egold ke akaun e-Gold lain. Histórico da atualização do jogo perincian transaksi lepas Informações da conta untuk merubah profile dan passphrase / password. Pastikan selalu logout untuk keselamatan conta anda. Bagai mana hendak mengisi akaun egold anda Ada banyak Cara sebenarnya, tetapi antaranya anda Bulé membeli dari mereka yang sudah membeli egold. Kebanyakan rakan Malásia jual menjalankan / beli egold melalui YM (Yahoo Messenger).Bagaimana mereka mengetahu sapa yg ingin beli / jual beberapa Ade Site / fórum tempatan yang menyediakan tempat jual / beli egold. Antaranya nogold ialah, jomklik, carigold, zelzemgold, rmgold dan deitado lagi. Tetapi Awaskerana jika anda tidak mengenali penjual / pembeli memang ade risiko penipuan. Tidak dinafikan ade KES-kes penipuan dagangan DLM egold. Maka adalah Lebih baik anda menjual / beli dari rakan Yang anda kenali. Ada juga site yang menawarkan pembélian egold melalui kad kredit. tapi saya cadangkan asianpay Tetapi biasenya jika menggunakan kad kredit cas yg dikenakan adalah tinggi sedikit. Bagai mana hendak menukar Kembali egold kepada Ringgit Malásia Lakukan perkara yang sama Semasa anda membeli. Iklankan di website jual beli dan tinggalkan nombor Kontek anda Supaya pembeli dapat menghubungi anda. Adalah Lebih baik sekiranya jual beli dilakukan secara dinheiro na entrega, bermakna dua-dua pembeli Dan penjual melakukan jual beli dinheiro secara (à mão). Satu lagi Cara ialah melalui débito card. Anda Bulé memperolehi debitcard egold dari asianpay juga. Melalui debitcard ini anda Bulé mengeluarkan terus egold anda dari mana-mana ATM mesin yang mempunyai logotipo cirrus / (plus). Quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2006 Kenapa Forex Kenapa anda memilih Forex 1.Pasaran dua hala. Anda buleh mendapat untung ketika harege pasaran sedang naik mahupun turun. 2.Pasaran 24jam sehari. Jadual Forex bermula pada hari Isnin geléia 00: 00GMT dan tutup lewat hari Jumaat. Sabtu dan aaaa dagangan Forex. 3.Pasaran yang sentiasa aktif dan bergerak cergas setiap hari. Nilai dagangan mencecah USD 1,5 trilhões sehari. 4.Pasaran Forex tidak tidak dikawal Oleh mana-mana individu, Badan Persatuan atau pun negara. (Global) 5.Bagi mereka yang muçulmana, Forex adalah halal, ini disahkan Sendiri Oleh Mufti Perak. Anda Bulé rujuk berkenaan kenyataan forex di website Mufti Perak : Mufti. perak. gov. my/kemusykilan/Musykilutama. htm Persélia sebelum memasuki alam Forex. 1.Belajar que usaha memahami asas forex terlebih dahulu sebelum memulakan forex trading sebenar. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. FXStreet /.Turut serta dalam perbincangan fórum dalam forex, anda Bulé dapatkan beberapa contoh laman web dan fórum forex di livre de egold / 2.Sebaik-baiknya latih negociação forex dengan akaun demonstração dahulu (guna wang maya). - Anda buleh daftar demo akaun di broker Forex seperti Northfinance atau Marketiva. Panduan Mendaftar Marketiva Bulé Lihat Disini: sureforex. blogspot / 2006/11 / marketiva. html 3. Belajar mengawal perasaan agar tidak terganggu dengan keuntungan mahupun kerugian dalam Forex. - Beringat yang 90 ke 95 pedagang forex selalunya gagal. - Target anda adalah dalam kelompok 5 para que o memastikan kadar keuntungan e um lebih banyak dari kadar kerugian. 4.Berdisiplin dan cuba memahirkan diri dengan satu sistema / teknik forex terlebih dahulu sebelum mencuba dengan teknik yang lain. - Tidak ade sistema forex yang 100 untung. Tetapi e um buleh mencari teknik yang baik dengan 70 keuntungan ataupun lebih. 5.Target keuntungan berdasarkan kemampuan dan hendaklah realistik. - Mula dengan alvo yang rendah seperti 5pips ke 10 pips sehari. Penggerak Pasaran Forex. Walaupun tiada siapa yang mempunyai kawalan mutlak keats pasaran Forex, mnamun ade beberapa faktor dan kumpulan besar yang mampu menggerakkan pasaran. Kumpulan pertama ialah dari Kompeni atau syarikat Koprat / Multinacional, yang mana mereka em segara kerap berdagang merentas negara. Kumpulan kedua ialah Broker. Ia bertindak sebagai plataforma atau perantara diantara diantara indivíduo profissional, corretor-corretor lain mahupun bank. Kumpulan ketiga ialah Syarikat Kewangan atau Bank. Terutamanya banco Besar seperti Banco Central yang mana setiap kali Kerajaan atau banco itu mengubah polisi dalaman, seringkali Forex pasaran turut berubah. Komponen dan Terma Asas Forex: - Setiap kali kita berdagang di Forex, kita sebenarnya membeli atau menjual antara dua matawang asing. Setiap Corretora Forex ada menawarkan pasangan (par) matawang asing ini untuk didagangkan dan kita buleh mencapainya di Pelantar (Plataforma) yang disediakan oleh setiap broker. - contoh corretor Forex Marketiva, Northfinance, CMSFX dan Oanda. - contoh pasangan matawang asing USD / JPY. EUR / USD dan GBP / USD. - contoh Pelantar Marketiva flâmula, Metatrader, Vtrader dam eSignal. A) Matawang Forex (Moeda) Matawang Forex terbahagi kepada dua kelas yang utama iaitu Moeda direta moeda indireta. 1) Moeda direta merangkumi matawang yang nilainya lebih besar dari Dólar americano. - contoh seperti matawang Euro (EUR), Libra esterlina (GBP) 2) Moeda indireta pula ialah matawang yang lebih rendah nilainya berbanding dólar dos EUA. - contoh seperti Yen de Japão (JPY), Swiss France (CHF) por Dólar australiano (AUS). Matawang forex diwakili simbólico (singkatan) yang telah ditetapkan. Contoh: - US DollarUSD, Jepun YenJPY, Libra Esterlina SterlingGBP, EUROEUR da Suíça FranceCHF. Matawang Forex didagangkan berpasangan dan unidade yang mewakili pasangan ini adalá kadar harga (taxa) bagi kedua-dua matawang tersebut. Contoh pasangan: - EUR / USD, GBP / USD, USD, JPY, GBP / JPY, USD / CHF dan lain-lain. Harga Pasaran Semasa. Clique aqui para se esgotar da sua conta. Satu ialah harga belian (oferta / compra) dan satu harga jualan (oferta / venda). Contoh: - harge pasaran semasa pasangan EUR / USD dicatatan dengan kadar 1.2810 / 1.2808, dari pada harga semasa itu, dihadapan (1.2810) adalah harga belian (bid). Apabila kita membuat arahan belian (comprar por muito tempo) pada masa itu kita akan dapat harga 1.2810. 1.2808 (harga dibelakang) pula ialah harga jualan (oferta), harga yang akan kita dapat apabila kita membuat arahan jual (venda curta). Perbezaan Antara harga jualan (bid) dan Belian (oferta) ini di panggil spreads. Spread berbeza-beza Antara pasangan matawang, dari contoh Diatas kita Bulé dapatkan espalha 1.2810-1.28082pips utk EUR / USD. B) Jenis-jenis arahan (Ordem). Bagi mendapat keuntungan dalam Forex, kita peru melaksanakan arahan Belian (COMPRAR) ketika harege pasaran hendak naik dan menutup arahan tadi ketika mercado sudah tepu atau hendak bertukar arah. Jika keadaan sebaliknya (jade hendak hare) arahan Jualan (VENDA) peru dilakukan. Arahan Jual (Vender) dan Beli (Comprar) pula ade laga drinka keadaan: - 1) Mercado Ordem Membeli (Comprar Novo) atau menjual (Vender Novo) matawang pada harege semasa. Contoh arahan. Jika kita ingin Membeli, arahan Comprar Novo peru dilakukan dan arahan untuk menutup pesanan tadi ialah Venda Close. Manakala jika kita ingin menjual, arahan Vender Novo digunakan dengan arahan Comprar Close sebagai penutup. Contoh: - COMPRAR NOVO 2) Parar Ordem Menempah Belian (Comprar Nova Parada) atau Jualan (Venda Novo Parar) matawang dengan lebih awal mengikut arah (tendência) pasaran. Contoh arahan. Jika kita jangka harege pasaran naik ke satu ponto dan ia akan kekal naik, arahan yang betul adalah dengan Menempah Belian (Compre Nova Ordem Stop) pada ponto tersebut. Compre New Stop 3.Limit Ordem Menempah Belian (Novo Limite) atau Jualan (Venda Limite Novo) matawang dengan lebih awal berlawanan dengan arah (tendência) pasaran. Contoh arahan. Jika kita jangka harege pasaran naik ke satu ponto dan ia akan bertukar (reverso) arah turun dari ponto tersebut, arahan yang betul adalah dengan Menempah Jualan (vender novo limite Ordem) pada ponto tersebut. Compre novo limite C) Arahan Stop Loss (SL) dan Ponto-alvo (TP) i) StopLoss (Tahap menentukan Kerugian) adalah arahan yang bertindak menutup posisi negociação Semasa secara automatik apabila posisi Semasa mengalami kerugian dan mencapai sasaran StopLoss yang telah kita tetapkan. Ii) TargetPoint (TP) pula arahan, yang, bertindak, menutup, posisi, trading, semasa, secara, automatik, apabila, posisi, semasa, mendapat, keuntungan, mencapai, sasaran, yang, telah, ditetapkan. Adalah penting untek menetapkan arahan SL dan TP untuk setiap postiza negociação kita. Ini adalah salah satu funsi yang membolehkan kita mengawal kerugian dan memaksimakan keuntungan. D) Pips Pips atau ponto ialah satu unidade bagi mewakili perbezaan terkecil antara dua pasangan matawang yang didagangkan. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.Nilai positif () mewakili situasi untung (no lucro) dimana kita pesan Beli (COMPRAR) dan harege naik. Tetapi jika keadaan sebaliknya iaitu harege pasaran turun ke parágrafos 1.2490, nilai pips 1.2490-1.2500 -10pips (negatif rugi). 1) Pengiraan Untung Rugi: Contoh pengiraan untung / rugi dalam Marketiva: - - Marketiva menggunakan unit Quantiti (Qty) sebagai nilai / modal / securiti untuk kita membuka posisi. - Tiada tinha minima dikenakan bagi satu-satu posisi. - Nilai 1 Qty 0.01usd. Ini Adicionar ao Carrinho de Compras Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO Nitro, X (Quantiti yang digunakan) / (kadar harga pasaran semasaharga posisi ditutup) contoh: - kita dapat untung 30pips hasil dari posisi belian (1.2800) yang kita tutup pada 1.2830 dengan modal 10.000qty (100usd). Kiraan untung (dalam usd) 30x0.0001x10.000 / 1.2830233.83usd. 2) Por favor selecione Rugi: - Mereka yang sudah mempunyai pengetahuan asas forex buleh langkau topik ini. Senario1: - Harga pasaran EUR / USD1.2800 / 1.2798 - Kita buka satu posisi belian (Ordem de Compra no Mercado). Comprar preço 1.2800. - Kemudian harga pasaran naik ke ponto 1.2810. - Posisi semasa untung positif 10pips Senario2: - Harga pasaran EUR / USD1.2800 / 1.2798 - Buka posisi belian (Mercado de Compra) pada 1.2800. - Harga turun ke ponto 1.2780 - posisi semasa rugi negatif -20pips Senario3: - Harga pasaran EUR / USD1.2800 / 1.2798 - Kita buka posisi jualan (ordem de venda no mercado) pada 1.2798. - Harga naik ke ponto 1.2810 - posisi semasa rugi -10pips Senario4: - Harga pasaran EUR / USD1.2800 / 1.2798 - Buka posisi jualan (vender ordem de mercado) pada 1.2798 - Harga turun ke ponto 1.2780 - Posisi semasa untung 20pips. Apa yang kita mahukan adalah tersenarai dalam contoh senário 1 4 dan mengelak senario 2 amp 3. F) Zon Masa Utama Forex Dagangan matawang asing Forex mengaktif mengikut pembukaan kaunter oleh Negara masing. Contohnya pasangan matawang yang mempunyai matawang Yen Jepun akan kuat mengaktif ketika kaunter jepun dibuka. begitu juga Austrália dengan AUD. Grã-Bretanha dengan Pound, E-12 dengan EUR per US dengan USD. Zon masa Estados Unidos adalah zon paling aktif unjuran dominasi Dólar dos Estados Unidos dalam dagangan antarabangsa. Zon Euro adalah yang kedua aktif diikuti dengan zon Jepun dan Austrália. Saya akan terangkan lagi secara terpeinci dalam sambungan pembelajaran akan datang. Bagi melihat zon-zon masa forex dari pembukaan mercado Austrália, kemudian Jepun, Euro and a builder, and a buleh lihat sumber dari website oanda disini: fxtrade. oanda / resources / fxmarkethours / (pilih time zon GMT 8 untuk merujuk pada masa Malaysia) G) Analisa Carta Forex (análise de gráficos) Ada 3 jenis carta utama dalam forex: - i) Vela stick jepun ii) Gráfico de linhas. Iii) Gráfico de barras. Contoh tiga jenis carta: - Jenis Carta 1) Tren pasaran. (Tendência de mercado) Secara umumnya terdapat dua jenis tren pasaran iaitu tren utama (principal) dan tren sementara (menor). Dan ade ketikanya pasaran hanya mendatar (Intervalo de negociação). Mengenal pasti major menor tendência adalah sesuatu yang perlu dikuasai oleh setiap comerciante. Dalam panduan ini saya hanya tumpu pada analise carta jenis Vara vara dan menggunakan plataforma Metatrader4. 2) Analisa Teknikal. Menganalisa harga pasaran secara teknikal adalah satu cara untuk kita mengetahui dan meramal tendência yang akan terbentuk dengan membandingkan corak (patern) tendência sekrang dengan patern mercado yang lepas-lepas. Dua komponen utama dalam analisa teknikal ialah gráfico (carta) dan indicador (petunjuk). Indicador ini bertindak dengan melukis corak diatas carta berdasarkan anasisa kira-kira (estudo) yang telah diprogramkan. Terdapat dua jenis indicadores iaitu indicador principal (mendahului) dan indicadores de atraso (mengekori). A) Indicadores Líderes: - - CCI, Índice de Força Relativa (RSI) versus Estocástico - Menganggar harage pasaran mencapai paras jualan tepu (sobrevenda) dan belian tepu (overbought). GBP / USD O GBP / USD, também chamado de cabo, é, de longe, o par mais volátil do mercado de câmbios De todos os majores. Prone a enormes breakouts e reversões dramáticas, o par pode mover ininterrupto para centenas de pips, proporcionando múltiplas oportunidades para os comerciantes em todos os prazos. Quando os EUA baixaram as taxas de juros, o GBP / USD se tornou um hot carry comércio especialmente quando a bolha imobiliária no Reino Unido levou o Banco da Inglaterra a aumentar as taxas de juros do Reino Unido ainda mais. No entanto, isso está se tornando menos o caso com cada taxa de caminhada fora dos EUA tornando o par extremamente sensível a quaisquer mudanças nas perspectivas de taxa de juros para qualquer país. O par volátil comércios mais ativamente de Londres aberto até o almoço no Reino Unido (em torno de 4:30 EST) e, em seguida, durante o início dos EUA negociação sessão (7AM a 10 AM EST). Pode frequentemente viajar 150-200 pips um o dia. Como o GBP é detido por muitos em carry trades, este par é muito sensível a quaisquer mudanças nas perspectivas de taxa de juros. Mercado imobiliário BRITÂNICO O mercado de carcaça BRITÂNICO é o indicador superior do banco de Englands para a inflação no Reino Unido. A bolha imobiliária provocou uma série de aumentos de taxas, e os novos desenvolvimentos são monitorados de perto pelo mercado. Dados econômicos dos EUA O mercado é muito sensível às perspectivas para a economia dos EUA, uma vez que a recuperação tem sido incerta. Um pickup pode ter implicações para as perspectivas de taxa de juros dos EUA, o que também pode afetar o valor do GBP / USD. Fundamentos para Assistir FOMC Taxa Decisões Assistiram atentamente desde qualquer aumento na taxa de juros automaticamente trazer capital estrangeiro, aumentando o valor do dólar. US Non Farm Payrolls Em meio a receios de uma recuperação sem emprego, o mercado tornou-se muito sensível a este indicador, que mede novos empregos criados nos EUA. Conta Corrente dos EUA. Balança Comercial dos EUA Uma medida de quanto as exportações dos EUA são comparadas com o quanto importa. Muitas importações líquidas podem diminuir o valor do dólar, já que mais capital está saindo dos EUA e sendo vendido no exterior, o que diminui o valor do dólar. US TIC Data Treasury O Inflow Capital é uma medida de quanta compra estrangeira de títulos dos EUA está acontecendo. Isso pode compensar um desequilíbrio de muitas importações, uma vez que o dinheiro está vindo para os EUA para comprar bens que impulsiona o valor do dólar de volta. Vendas de varejo dos EU A economia de ESTADOS UNIDOS é pela maior parte conduzida pela demanda de consumidor. Se este número é insalubre, pode indicar um declínio. Minutas do FOMC A repartição das reuniões do Comité Federal de Mercado Aberto. Scoured para todas as pistas sobre como o Fed percebe o estado da economia. Desde que o fed faz decisões da taxa de interesse, a introspecção em sua probabilidade pode ajudar o mercado predizer a probabilidade da taxa de interesse. Reunião do Banco de Inglaterra Reunião em que funcionários do Banco de Inglaterra definir a política monetária e decidir se a mudar as taxas de juros ou deixá-los o mesmo. UK Housing Prices O Reino Unido mercado imobiliário é o número um indicador de inflação no Reino Unido. É observado de perto desde que o banco de Inglaterra levantará taxas se o crescimento for demasiado elevado. Desemprego no Reino Unido A economia do Reino Unido é acompanhada de perto por quaisquer mudanças. O desemprego é um bom indicador geral da saúde de uma economia. Os números de vendas no varejo do Reino Unido fornecem uma boa indicação de. Os indicadores de inflação do Reino Unido são observados de perto como podem. Tudo sobre as Majors: USD / CHF Sabido cada vez mais como o par de legado como atividade de troca se move de USD / CHF para EUR / CHF, o Swissy é a moeda de porto seguro predominante no mundo por causa de Switzerlands longa história de estabilidade e neutralidade. Quando os mercados sentem turbulência geopolítica, o capital tende a se mudar para a Suíça. Inesperado eventos globais e picos no preço do ouro vai criar oportunidades neste par. Como as taxas de juros na Suíça são tão baixas, o CHF é também uma moeda de financiamento popular para carry trades. Como o crescimento da economia suíça tem sido lento por algum tempo, muitos investidores estão entrando em USD / CHF como um carry trade, tornando o par extremamente sensível a quaisquer mudanças nas perspectivas de taxa de juros para os EUA ou a Suíça. USD / CHF é o mais ativo durante o horário de funcionamento europeu aberto (3 AM a 4:30 AM EST) com a sessão de troca adiantada dos EU (7AM a 10 AM EST). Botões QUENTES: O que move a tensão geopolítica USD / CHF: os desenvolvimentos negativos dos EUA no mundo vão causar um movimento no par, à medida que os investidores movem os fundos de dólares para os francos suíços seguros. Os preços do ouro Os preços mais altos ou mais baixos do ouro causará um movimento correspondente no franco suíço desde que o franco suíço é uma das poucas moedas correntes do mundo que ainda é parcialmente suportado pelo ouro. Política monetária do SNB As alterações da política monetária suíça podem ter um efeito sobre a posição do CHF como moeda de financiamento de carry trade. Fundamentos para Assistir Decisões de Taxa de FOMC Assistiram atentamente desde qualquer aumento na taxa de juros automaticamente trazer em capital estrangeiro, aumentando o valor do dólar. US Non Farm Payrolls Em meio a receios de uma recuperação sem emprego, o mercado tornou-se muito sensível a este indicador, que mede novos empregos criados nos EUA. Conta Corrente dos EUA. Balança Comercial dos EUA Uma medida de quanto as exportações dos EUA são comparadas com o quanto importa. Muitas importações líquidas podem diminuir o valor do dólar, já que mais capital está saindo dos EUA e sendo vendido no exterior, o que diminui o valor do dólar. US TIC Data Treasury Inflow Capital is a measure of how much foreign buying of US securities is happening. This can offset an imbalance of too many imports, since money is coming to the US to purchase goods which drives the value of the dollar back up. US Retail Sales The US economy is largely driven by consumer demand. If this number is unhealthy, it can indicate a decline. FOMC Minutes The breakdown of Federal Open Market Committee meetings. Scoured for any clues about how the Fed perceives the state of the Economy. Since the Fed makes interest rate decisions, insight into their outlook can help the market predict the interest rate outlook. Swiss KoF Leading Indicators A composite of business surveys from various sectors of the economy (industry, retail and wholesale) that is combined to form a leading indicator that aims to project GDP growth approximately 8 months into the future. Swiss CPI Consumer Price Index. A measure of inflation in Switzerland a significant change may have implications for interest rate policy in Switzerland. Comments from Swiss officials Watched for any indications of change in Swiss monetary policy. Swiss GDP Gross Domestic Product. A measure of growth and productivity in the Swiss economy. SNB Rate Decisions Any changes in the interest rate by the Swiss National Bank has implications for the pair as a carry trade. All About the Majors: USD/JPY The USD/JPY is an enigmatic pair that gives a good proxy of US versus Japanese strength. At the same time, the Bank of Japan works to keep the Yen weaker than perhaps it truly is, since a strong Yen would hurt Japans export sector by making its products more expensive. Because interest rates in Switzerland are so low, the CHF is also a popular funding currency for carry trades. Because growth in the Swiss economy has been slow for some time, many investors are entering into USD/CHF as a carry trade, making the pair extremely sensitive to any changes in the interest rate outlook for either the US or Switzerland. The USD/JPY is most active at the open of the Asian session (6 PM to 9 PM EST) as well as during the early US trading session (7 AM 10 AM EST). What moves USD/JPY Chinese Yuan: If China revalues its currency (thereby allowing it to become stronger and closer to its true value) then Japanese exports would be able to compete better in the US and China against Chinese products. If this happens, the Bank of Japan could then stop intervening in the market to keep the Yen weak, which would result in an increase in the value of the Yen Oil prices Japan is highly dependent on imported oil. Higher oil prices can impede both production and growth in Japan as it makes input costs significantly more expensive. Japanese reserve diversification Japan holds large reserves of US securities and currency. A diversification out of dollar only holdings could result in a large sell off in the US dollar, driving the price down. Fundamentals to Watch FOMC Rate Decisions Watched closely since any increases in the interest rate automatically bring in foreign capital, increasing the value of the dollar. US Non Farm Payrolls Amid fears of a jobless recovery, the market has become very sensitive to this indicator, which measures new jobs created in the US. U. S. Current Account. US Trade Balance A measure of how much the US exports compared to how much it imports. To many net imports can drive the value of the dollar down, since more capital is leaving the US and being sold abroad, which drives down the value of the dollar. US TIC Data Treasury Inflow Capital is a measure of how much foreign buying of US securities is happening. This can offset an imbalance of too many imports, since money is coming to the US to purchase goods which drives the value of the dollar back up. US Retail Sales The US economy is largely driven by consumer demand. If this number is unhealthy, it can indicate a decline. FOMC Minutes The breakdown of Federal Open Market Committee meetings. Scoured for any clues about how the Fed perceives the state of the Economy. Since the Fed makes interest rate decisions, insight into their outlook can help the market predict the interest rate outlook. Japanese Inflation A measure of inflation in Japan. Closely monitored because when too high or too low, it can prompt a change in the interest rate outlook of a country. Japanese Consumer Spending A measure of how much Japanese consumers are spending. The Japanese economy is driven primarily by its export sector, but consumer spending is an important gauge of economic activity and prosperity. BoJ Monetary Policy Meeting When Japanese bank officials meet to determine monetary policy. Has direct implications for currency traders since they often hint at whether or not they intend to intervene to protect the Yen from becoming too expensivehence making their exports more expensive. Japanese Trade Balance Japanese imports vs. exports the Japanese economy is highly dependent on exports a drastic change in this number can have implications on the value of the Yen. Japanese Industrial Production A measure of activity in the Japanese manufacturing sector. This acts as a gauge for the level of production and growth in the economy. Tankan Survey A quarterly business survey gives a detailed assessment of Japanese business conditions. The headline number shows the difference between the proportion of optimistic businesses and the proportion of pessimistic businesses. A large positive number means that optimism pervades. Summaries on FA:- Fundamentals that determine the long-term strength or weakness in the major currencies include: Present and future government Economy and outlook Inflation and inflation target Current interest rates, anticipated changes Trade balance - is it a problem Current account - enough money flowing into the country Present and future government How good a job the incumbent government is doing and how the people view the performance of its present government have a direct bearing on the exchange rate. Future changes in government, especially party changes are equally important. In the U. S. for example, the Democrats are generally viewed as a U. S. dollar negative because they tend to favor a weaker exchange rate the idea is U. S. manufacturers will be more competitive and that will directly help the blue collar workers (Democrats voter base and election engine). Economy and outlook (fall 2003) The present state of the economy and perceived future outlook for the economy have a direct bearing on the exchange rate. The positive ramifications of a strong economy cannot be underestimated. There is clearly a domino effect. People are working and view the future optimistically. So they spend money. The companies are making money so they spend money. Tax revenues are good so the government is spending money. All this spending tends to make the economy stronger still, and so on. When the economy is weak and the outlook is negative the opposite reaction occurs. Inflation and inflation target Inflation has not been an issue this decade for any of the major countries. Deflation has been a problem for Japan and presently the United States is more concerned with deflation than inflation. Inflation outlook has changed because economies like the United States produce far less goods (prone to inflation) and much more services (practically no inflation risk). In fact better ways of servicing can lower costs and serve as a buffer. Current interest rates, anticipated changes The currencies of Australia, Canada and Great Britain have considerably higher interest rates than the United States, Japan, Switzerland and the Euro. The high interest rate currencies have what is known as a positive cost of carry when paired up against a low interest rate currency and that makes them especially attractive to investors. Positive cost of carry simply means the investor earns more interest on the currency bought than is paid on the currency sold. What oftentimes happens is that the high interest currencies are bought when the currencies are stable. Trade Balance is it a problem A country has a positive trade balance when it exports more goods and services than it imports. When a country imports more than it exports it has a trade balance deficit. The United States has a huge trade deficit problem each month it imports 40 billion more than it exports. Most of the net U. S. trade deficit is with China and Japan. To correct this glaring imbalance the United States is pressuring China and to a lesser extent Japan to allow their currency to appreciate against the USD this would make their goods less appealing to U. S. importers. A weaker USD would also help U. S. exporters sell their goods and services abroad. Japan on the other hand has a trade surplus but that hasnt stopped the Japanese government from officially intervening in the currency markets and buying 80 billion USDJPY this year. The U. S. up until recently has turned a blind eye on these perverse USD purchases. However, recent comments by Fed officials, the tone of the G7 communiqu, and comments from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), suggest a change in tactic on the part of the U. S. Specifically, it appears the U. S. wants a lower dollar. Current account enough money flowing into the country The current account is simply net trade surplus or deficit. When foreigners were buying U. S. stocks with reckless abandon, the U. S. dollars leaving the country in net trade were working their way back through foreign purchases of U. S. stocks. Thats not happening anymore in fact foreigners have been net sellers of U. S. for a long time now. What is happening is that China and Japan are taking all those trade dollars and buying U. S. government bonds. Problem with that is they have about 25 of all outstanding U. S. government debt what it means is they could cause on a run on the dollar and or skyrocket U. S. interest rates if they sold a chunk over a short period of time. Summary U. S. Fundamentals Economy doing relatively well but the trade deficit, current account deficit, and budget deficit are all huge and getting worse. The U. S. dollar will end in tears unless something is done to correct these imbalances. U. S. dollar devaluation would help and is in the cards. Short USD is the only trade to be in these days. Saturday, September 23, 2006 Meta Trader 4 Guide Muat turun platform MT4 dan daftar akaun Demo dari northfinance disni. northfinance/files/MetaTrader/mt4setup. exe Terdapat beberapa bahagian dalam platform Metatrader4 iaitu:- 1)menu bartoolbar-terletak dibahagian atas platform. - letakknya menu dan butang-butang shortcut bagi kebanyakan fungsi carta. 2)market watch(ditanda C)-terletak dibahagian kiri platform. - tempat paparan harga jual/beli semasa. 3)Terminal(menu ditanda D)-pada bahagian bawah platform. - tetingkap yang memaparkan posisi trading. 4)tetingkap carta(chart windows)-terletak di tengah/sebahagian besar platform. - dimana graf harga pasangan matawang diplotkan. Menu Utama(Main Menu bar) Antara menu utama yang terdapat pada Menubar/toolbar :- A)new chart-memilih dan membuka tetingkap carta matawang baru. B)profile-memilih profile sedia ada. fungsi profile :-menyimpan atau membuka semula layoutdan template mengikut paparan yang telah kita tetapkan sebelum ini. E)fibo study-membulehkan kita plot unjuran Fibonacci pada carta. F, G amp H)barchart, candlestick line chart. klik pada mana2 jenis chart ini utk diplotkan pada carta semasa(active chart windows). K)autoscroll-membolehkan harga semasa diplotkan pada carta secara automatik. N)time frame-pilihantimeframe(dropdownmenu) untuk carta semasa(active chart windows). M)Indicator-pilihan indicator(dropdownmenu) utk diplotkan pada carta. O)template-pilihan template(dropdownmenu). template berfungsi menyimpan(save)/membuka semula(load) ketetapan(setting) satu-satu carta(indicator/timeframe amp jenis charta). P)Bar Menu utama(main menu bar)-terletak dibahagian atas sekali(yang saya tandakan kotak kuning) - buleh dikatekan hampir Semua funsi platform MT4 buleh diacapai disini. Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk kali pertama membuka MT4. 1)selepas saja login ke MT4,tutup semua tetingkap yang ada pada paparan metatrader. Ini termasuk tetingkap carta, tetingkap marketwatch, tetingkap terminal dibawah. 2)Buat pilihan pasangan matawang mana yang kita nak jual/beli. contoh kita pilih EUR/USD. 3)Klik pada New Chart dan pilih EUR/USD-satu tetingkap carta EUR/USD kluar. 4)Setup carta dengan memilih jenis carta(candlestick),masa(timeframe) plot semua indikator yang dikehendaki. Jika kita ade indicator baru yg kita muat turun dari internet, kita hendaklah simpan fail indicator tersebut di (C:Program FilesMetaTrader - North Financeexpertsindicators) untuk membuleh kan kita capai indikator tersebut pada platform metatrader. - selesai setup carta, buleh save(simpan) setup carta tadi sebagai template. Klik pada template(O),dan save template, masukkan nama template dan save. Fail template tersimpan di. (C:Program FilesMetaTrader - North Financeexpertstemplates) 5)Sekarang buka tetingkap marketwatch - klik pada menu icon C),atau klik view pada menu utama(P),dan klik Market watch. 6)buka tetingkap terminal dengan klik icon menu D)terminal, atau klik view pada menu utama, dan pilih terminal. 7)jika anda ingin membuka satu lagi carta pasangan EUR/USD tapi dengan masa(timeframe) yang berlainan, buleh buka satu lagi new chart, pilih EUR/USD. Sekarang load template pada carta baru dengan klik pada template dan pilih nama template yang kita simpan awal tadi. Sekarang kita cuma perlu ubah set masa(timeframe) sahaja bagi mendapatkan set masa yang berbeza dari carta pertama. 8)susun tetingkap carta dengan klik pada menu Windows pada main menu bar(P),dan pilih tile vertically atau pilih jenis susunan mengikut pilihan sendiri. 9)jika kita puas hati dengan set paparan layout semasa, buleh la kita simpan layout tadi sebagai profile, klik butang profile(B),pilih save profile as, masukkan nama profile dan kliksave. Fail profile tersimpan di. (C:Program FilesMetaTrader - North Financeprofiles). 10)Membuka posisi trading. Jika kita sudah yakin dan hendak melakukan belian/jualan, buleh lah kita buka posisi trading pada matawang yang kita pilih :- Contoh, jika kita hendak membeli EUR/USD. Pada tetingkap Marketwatch, klik pada matawang EUR/USD, dan klik pada bahagian Bid(harga beli). Satu tetingkap order akan tertera. kita buleh terus laksanakan arahanplace market order dengan klik butang Buy, ataupun kita buleh set Stoploss amp take profit dahulu. Apabila order kita diterima, maklumat posisi kita akan tertera pada bahagian tetingkap terminal. Jika kita hendak tutup posisi semasa secara manual, pilih posisi yang hendak ditutup pada tetingkap terminal, klik dua kali(doublecklick) pada posisi tersebut/kolum Price, dan klik butang arahan close order(warna kuning). Wednesday, September 06, 2006 The Tlatomi Method Tlatomi means to win money SETUP 1 - 4 Hour chart (This system works best with GBP/USD, GBP/JPY ) Filter20 Color1 ColorBarBack0 Allbars0 Otstup30 Per9.0 Dont forget to change the colors also (0blue-1red) FX Snipers ErgodicCCITrigger Enter long when : 1 a blue dot appears 2 the ergodic CCI crosses up the trigger line ( blue line crosses up the red one ) 3 NonLagMa color changes to yellow Enter short when : 1 a red dot appears 2 the ergodic CCI crosses down the trigger line ( red line crosses down the blue one ) 3 NonLagMa color changes to yellow Exit when a new dot appears (red if you are long and blue if you are short). This method gives you mecanicals trades. Dont hesitate to transform them into a discretionnay trade after because you can see things that the system cant. Sometimes, it will be the difference between a 30 pips trade and a 300 pips trade. Once you move your stop to breakeven and add a trailing stop you cant wait alittle more time to see what the market wants to give you. Stop In general, I look for previous daily Resistance-Support but I dont have only one method for my stops. You can also looks for the high or low of the previous bar. Remarks Price enter. The price enter is the open price of the candle or bars where the NonLagMa is yellow. ErgodicCCI. The signal is stronger when the FX Snipers ErgodicCCITrigge is above 300 or under -300. NonLagMa. The non-lag MA does turn yellow/non yellow while the current candle/bar is still forming. so i wouldnt enter a trade until the end of the current candle confirms that the yellow section doesnt switch back to a non signal. So remember wait till the candle is fully formed until entering a potential trade. Matrung (FF member). Whats matrung says is right but its depend if you are agressive or conservative. If you are agressive, you can go when the non lag show for the first time a yellow line but if you are more conservative, like matrung said, wait for the candle to be fully formed. To be more conservative means less profit but also more safety. The order. I dont take a trade when the cross happens before the dot or when the cross happens after the nonlag. So, i wait for a dot then for the cross and then for the nonlag. It doesnt matter if the cross and the nonlag happen at the same time but like i said earlier, the cross should never happen after the nonlag. CLICK HERE TO GET THE INDICATOR From time to time ill try to post the result from the trade(profit) that i make using this methodRatingFX: independent rating of Forex brokers World Forex Ulasan Atas talian sejak: 2007 Negara asal: Kepulauan Virgin British Peraturan: BVI BCA Pilihan pembayaran: payment cards, WebMoney, Skrill, PayPal, wire transfer Saiz akaun minimum: 1 Saiz lot minimum: 0.1 lot Leverage: 1:500 Spreads: tetap, dari 0.2 pips World Forex menawarkan pelbagai jenis perkhidmatan, termasuk perdagangan pasangan mata wang, CFD, perdagangan pilihan binari, VPS hosting atas terma yang luar biasa, perdagangan automatik dengan penggunaan isyarat perdagangan, latihan percuma, dan lain-lain lagi istimewa untuk para pelangganya. Broker ini juga menyediakan pelangganya dengan platform dagangan MetaTrader 4, WebTrader dan Linux-compatible World Forex Trade Station. Terdapat beberapa jenis akaun yang boleh didapati di platform syarikat. Sebagai contoh, W-CENT adalah lebih sesuai untuk kegunaan pedagang-pedagang baru dalam pasaran Forex, kerana ia adalah dalam sen, oleh yang demikian ia akan memberi peluang kepada pedagang baru untuk mengukuhkan pengetahuan mereka dan mempelajari strategi perdagangan baru dengan pelaburan yang minimum. Bagi pedagang yang telah berjaya dan bersedia untuk berdagang dengan jumlah wang yang lebih besar, akaun W-PROFI adalah disyorkan kepada mereka. Untuk akaun dagangan jenis ini, pedagang mempunyai akses kepada instrumen kewangan yang berikut: 52 pasangan mata wang, 42 CFD, 4 logam, dan 2 jenis bahan mentah. Spread untuk akaun W-PROFI adalah tetap, dari 2 pips. Pengarang of World Forex: goria clang Tarikh 2016-09-19 Everything is possible here. I tried to open a live trading account three weeks ago and all the trading tools functions normally. My 150SGD has been credited to my account last September 2. They also allowed me to change my currency from SGD to US dollars without any charges because I wanted to try the Binary Option trading. I chose to have a Binary Option trading because I noticed that it has a very good trading condition and of course, more profitable if you know how to manage your account. As of this time, I am planning to withdraw my profits from the Option trading through Paypal. The amount is not that big, its only 38.2 dollars. Pengarang of World Forex: Kichro Tarikh 2016-09-05 If you want to get stable profit with comfort on any broker you can see that is not easy enough. I have recognized that I can trade with amazing conditions and services. Good for me, and good for my income. This broker never let me down. Good profits and quick withdrawal. Pengarang of World Forex: trankana Tarikh 2016-08-28 WorldForex has the best platform out there today They have also web-based platform and mobile platform. reasonable spreads, high leverage(1:500), fast withdrawals and only the latest and most important information. Very good concept so I have no complaints. Pengarang of World Forex: pipmimi Tarikh 2016-08-10 Nothing that I can do to increase my income in trading after joining them, from the start I put the deposit to the minimal account is this broker since a few months ago, until today there is no profit I get, that there is only a deficit, the deficit, and deficit. Wrong strategy, poor analysis, and bad execution from World Forex. Pengarang of World Forex: Vicki Tarikh 2016-07-28 Customer Support made me disappointed as they ignored many my questions to solve my problems. So I do not recommend this broker to you. Pengarang of World Forex: Randy Tarikh 2016-07-05 I really liked World Forex because they have low spreads. But beyond that, they still have an interesting competition. All customers can sell own forecasts or strategies like at market. Such competitions allow to earn money and to win prize Pengarang of World Forex: PipsEver Tarikh 2016-06-25 World Forex is the fastest growing Forex broker. They keep fixed spread which is perfect for me and the execution time is very good. They always try to discover so many things to with respect to the current time. Web-Trader works very well. Pengarang of World Forex: BaHaa Ali Tarikh 2016-03-27 I recently a demo account and started to practice my trading. I must say that this broker really cares about its clients. I havent opened a real trading account yet but its reps call me weekly. They offer me good courses and webinars and i am learning a lot from them. Pengarang of World Forex: fxrosydaulva Tarikh 2016-03-21 I was disappointed with ForexWorld, they lied to me. On their promo page, they promised a hefty bonus for new traders who want to register without a drawing. But until now these bonuses never I get moreover I use for trading, they never give me the bonuses. So, it was very clear that they are a scam broker. Pengarang of World Forex: becky Tarikh 2016-03-14 Finally, I had a day off during the week to get started in trading, and what do you know Their gateway times outKeseluruhan XM menawarkan semua pelanggan peluang untuk menang, dengan tanpa risiko dan tanpa yuran kemasukan, sebahagian dari 50,000 hadiah tunai terkumpul untuk setiap Pusingan Kelayakan, mara ke Pusingan Separuh Akhir dan, jika layak, mara ke Pusingan Akhir di mana 500,000 hadiah tunai terkumpul akan dibahagikan kepada pemenang. 12 Pusingan 1,000,000 dalam Hadiah 10 pusingan, setiap dengan 50,000 dalam hadiah tunai, yang membawa ke arah Separuh Akhir dan kemudian kepada Acara Langsung Akhir 500,000 Bagaimana ianya berfungsi XM menganjurkan Kejohanan Forex Dunia pada Platform Arena Peraduan XM yang terkenal. Pedagang Forex dari serata dunia akan bersaing dalam 10 pusingan, sekali setiap bulan, untuk memenangi bahagian mereka daripada 50,000 hadiah tunai terkumpul, menang satu peluang ke Separuh Akhir, dan juga mara ke 500,000 Acara Langsung Akhir. Maka hadiah sejumlah 1,000,000 keseluruhannya Setiap pusingan bulanan kejohanan akan mempunyai satu jumlah sebanyak 90 pemenang yang akan mengambil bahagian mereka sebanyak 50,000 hadiah tunai terkumpul, 5 pedagang teratas daripadanya setiap pusingan akan mara ke Pusingan Separuh Akhir Kejohanan Forex Dunia 1 Juta Dolar dengan terus. Pusingan Separuh Akhir akan mempunyai 50 peserta, hanya 10 teratas yang akan berpeluang untuk mara ke 500,000 Acara Langsung Akhir yang akan diadakan di Thailand. 10 peserta akhir ini akan melancong ke Thailand, dengan semua perbelanjaan dibiayai oleh XM, untuk menyertai dalam Acara Akhir 500,000 yang disiarkan secara langsung di TV. Berapa Ramai Pemenang Pada Setiap Pusingan Kejohanan Forex Dunia 1 Juta Dolar ini mempunyai sejumlah 12 pusingan, 10 adalah pusingan kelayakan, diikuti dengan pusingan Separuh Akhir dan Akhir. Setiap daripada 10 Pusingan Kelayakan akan ada 90 pemenang, yang berkongsi nilai 50,000 hadiah tunai terkumpul. Hadiah tunai ini boleh dikeluarkan segera. 5 pedagang teratas setiap Pusingan Kelayakan, sejumlah 50 pemenang dari semua 10 pusingan, akan mara ke Separuh Akhir untuk melayakkan diri untuk 500,000 Acara Langsung Akhir. Hanya 10 teratas daripada 50 pemenang Separuh Akhir akan dapat satu peluang untuk bersaing dalam Acara Langsung Akhir. Pusingan Akhir ini menawarkan 500,000 hadiah tunai terkumpul, yang akan diagihkan kepada 10 pedagang teratas Pusingan Akhir ini. Siapa Boleh Menyertai Semua pelanggan XM boleh menyertai dalam Kejohanan Forex Dunia 1 Juta Dolar ini. Apa yang anda perlu buat ialah mendaftar satu nama samaran peraduan dalam Ruang Keahlian dan anda bersedia untuk bersaing. Hanya pedagang teratas setiap 10 Pusingan Kelayakan akan mara ke Pusingan Separuh Akhir dan Akhir. Adakah terdapat Yuran Penyertaan Semua pelanggan XM dengan satu Akaun Nyata yang telah disahkan boleh masuk Kejohanan Forex Dunia 1 Juta Dolar, tanpa yuran penyertaan. Setiap pelanggan boleh menyertai sebanyak mungkin yang mereka nak dan mengikut kepada Terma dan Syarat yang digariskan sini. Perundangan: XM adalah nama dagangan Trading Point Holdings Ltd, nombor pendaftaran: HE 322690, (12 Richard Verengaria Street, Araouzos Castle Court, 3rd Floor 3042 Limassol, Cyprus), yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd (Cyprus), nombor pendaftaran: HE 251334, (12 Richard Verengaria Street, Araouzos Castle Court, 3rd Floor, 3042 Limassol, Cyprus). Laman web ini dikendalikan oleh Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd. Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd adalah dikawal selia oleh Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) dibawah nombor lesen 120/10, dan berdaftar dengan FCA (FSA, UK), dibawah nombor rujukan 538324. Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd. beroperasi berpandukan Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) daripada Kesatuan Eropah. Amaran Risiko: Dagangan Forex melibatkan risiko tertentu pada modal yang anda laburkan. Sila rujuk kepada Pendedahan Risiko penuh kami. Kawasan Terhad: Trading Point of Financial Instruments Ltd tidak menyediakan perkhidmatan untuk warga bagi kawasan-kawasan tertentu, seperti Amerika Syarikat. Polisi Cookie: XM menggunakan cookie, dan terus menggunakan laman web ini bermakna anda bersetuju dengannya. Untuk maklumat lanjut sila baca Pendedahan Cookie .
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